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13 South African Soldiers Injured in North Kivu Fighting


The South African National Defense Force (SAND) has confirmed that 13 soldiers deployed in North Kivu Province under Southern African Development Community (SADC)  mission were on Thursday injured in fighting with the March 23 Movement (M23).

In a statement released on Friday by Dlamini  Siphiwe, the SAND head of Communications, the soldiers were injured during fighting in Sake town located about 27 kilometres away from Goma city. According to the statement, one of the soldiers was fatally wounded. 

The statement indicates that the casualties were rushed to Goma International Hospital for treatment. The statement also admits that SAND’s two Armored Personnel Carrier (APC) vehicles were destroyed during the battle.   

On Saturday,  South African National Defense Union released a statement accusing SAND of failure to release detailed information about the incident .  In a statement, the union consoled the family of one of the soldiers who was killed during the fight on Thursday of which SAND is yet to either confirm or deny.    

Tension is high in North Kivu province following renewed fierce fighting between Armed Forces of Democratic Republic of Congo (FARDC) soldiers and coalition. FARDC and the coalition are blocking M23 rebels from capturing the town of Sake in Masisi territory and Kanyabayonga in north of Rutshuru territory.  

Fighting in Kanyabayonga has caused displacement of locals since Thursday in neighboring areas of Miriki, Buleusa, Kirumba and Kayina.   

On Friday, Lawrence Kanyuka, M23 rebels political spokesperson released a statement claiming that M23 fighters burnt another the third armored vehicle belonging to SAND in Mubambiro during fighting. 

Close to five months after deployment of foreign troops under SADC in North Kivu province, no success has been registered to push M23 from the captured positions. 

In March 2022, M23, led by Bertrand Bisimwa and General Sultan Makenga, initiated a conflict against the government.  

The DR Congo government accuses Rwanda of supporting M23, although both Rwanda and M23 vehemently deny these claims. The rebels assert that they are fighting against corruption, xenophobia and discrimination within the leadership of DR Congo.


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13 South African Soldiers Injured in North Kivu Fighting

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