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Magogo Finally Jumps Onto the Sanctions Dance Floor, Joining His Corrupt Wife Who Steals from the Most Vulnerable


Once on these pages, a colleague at this mighty combination of these publications both TV10GanoMazima, and The Investigator, wrote, “Magogo Scores Hat-trick” in Parliament to describe how his association with House Speaker Annet Anita Among (AAA), himself being a Legislator and at the same time President of FUFA would definitely work wonders for the then financially struggling game of football.

Story can end here for lack of space and time our dear reader. For some small time, yes, it has worked until 30th May 2024. However, to some like yours truly, I saw dark days coming ahead. First for Magogo, then for the game. And indeed it has come, thanks to sanctions to the speaker, which sanctions, have not spared Magogo either.

On Thursday 30th May 2024, the US sanctioned the two lover-birds. The US decisive sanctions come in as third account for the Speaker Anita Among which could be viewed as a six-inch nail in her political coffin. Moses Magogo – who is a convict in the sports sphere, having dubiously participated in fraud, was banned by FIFA for selling the 2014 FIFA World Cup ticket meant for Ugandans.

Magogo, just like the other two former Karamoja affairs ministers’ husbands is also affected by the tough designation simply for close, conjugal relations with the corrupt officials, a US statement reveals. From the US, the Speaker is, again, jointly sanctioned with the two former Karamoja Affairs ministers Mary Goretti Kitutu and Agnes Nandutu.

On the US sanction’s list by Matthew Miller, the State department spokesperson, is also senior presidential advisor and former deputy Chief of Defence Forces Lt Gen Peter Elwelu. Kitutu and Nandutu were on April 30th sanctioned by the UK for their role in the theft of relief items meant for vulnerable Karamojong citizens.

The designation of Among comes barely 12 hours after she involved scriptures that the truth will set her free and maintained that the UK sanctions and claims of her wealth were politically motivated. The Department of State said it was designating five current and former Ugandan officials for their involvement in significant corruption or gross violations of human rights.

“Speaker of Parliament Anita Among is designated due to involvement in significant corruption tied to her leadership of Uganda’s Parliament,” Mr Miller said. “Former Minister of Karamoja Affairs Mary Goretti Kitutu, former Minister of State for Karamoja Affairs Agnes Nandutu, and Minister of State for Finance Amos Lugolobi are being designated due to their involvement in significant corruption related to conduct that misused public resources and diverted materials from Uganda’s neediest communities.”

The US said all four officials abused their public positions for their personal benefit at the expense of Ugandans. Gen Elwelu, Mr Miller added, is designated due to his involvement in gross violations of human rights. “Specifically, Peter Elwelu was involved, while commanding UPDF forces, in extrajudicial killings that were committed by members of the UPDF,” he said.

Gen Elwelu commanded one of the deadliest assaults on fellow Ugandans in the attack on the Rwenzuru palace on November 26 and 27, 2016, killing at least 100 people, including 15 children in the attack that also saw King Wesley Mumbere taken into custody. The designated officials are generally ineligible for entry into the US.

“Today’s actions reaffirm the US commitment to support transparency in Uganda’s democratic processes, counter corruption globally, and address the broader culture of impunity that prevents all Ugandans from enjoying their human rights and fundamental freedoms,” Mr Miller said. The US said the individuals are responsible for, or complicit in, the repression of Ugandan members of political opposition groups, civil society organizers, and vulnerable communities in Uganda.

“Impunity allows corrupt officials to stay in power, slows the pace of development, facilitates crime, and causes unequal distribution of resources, which can affect underrepresented and underserved populations disproportionally,” Mr Miller added. For sleeping in the same beds, Kitutu’s spouse, Michael George Kitutu, Lugolobi’s spouse, Evelyne Nakimera and Among’s Magogo are generally ineligible for entry into the US under the Foreign Operations, and Related Programmes Appropriations Act, 2024.

Magogo Finally Jumps Onto the Sanctions Dance Floor, Joining His Corrupt Wife Who Steals from the Most Vulnerable

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