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RAHU’s intergeneration dialogues tackle SRHR issues in Kasese


In response to the alarming rates of HIV/AIDS infections and teenage pregnancies in Kasese District, Reach A Hand Uganda and Save the Children Uganda are hosting the 9th Intergenerational and Religious Dialogues aimed at enhancing gender equality and improving Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR).The week-long event, themed “Elevating Girls’ Voices, Empower a Nation,” seeks to bridge the gap between young people, cultural and religious leaders, and older generations on critical SRHR issues faced by Uganda’s youth. Reverend Betty, Family Life Coordinator for the Diocesan Mothers’ Union, highlighted the gravity of the situation during the Girls Festival held at Ngaiga Primary School playground, saying, “43% of our girls are married by 18, and 1 in 4 girls between the ages of 15 and 19 are either mothers or pregnant.”According to a 2021 UNFPA report, Kasese recorded 7,319 teenage pregnancies, placing it among the top regions in Uganda grappling with high teenage pregnancy rates.The dialogues aim to foster understanding and collaboration among political, religious, and opinion leaders to promote gender equality and improve SRHR for adolescents.Through the RAISE project, Reach A Hand Uganda, in partnership with Save the Children Uganda, is working to increase access to critical SRHR information through peer learning sessions held in schools across the region.The initiative aims to empower adolescents and youth by providing them with the necessary tools to improve their sexual and reproductive health.The Girls Festival featured a panel discussion with insights from community figures, including young mothers, law enforcement, and representatives from Miss Tourism.Juliet Birungi from Save the Children Uganda reaffirmed the organization’s commitment to safeguarding children and ensuring they have access to quality education and protection from abuse.The week’s activities will culminate in the main Intergenerational Dialogue on Saturday at Rwenzori Square, where young people will have the opportunity to engage directly with leaders and policymakers on issues such as teenage pregnancy, HIV, and gender-based violence.This platform aims to integrate youth voices into policy decisions, addressing the pressing health and social challenges they face.

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