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Two Top KCCA Managers Fight For Outdoor Advertising Deals In Kampala


A war of world proportions has erupted inside KCCA’s Physical Planning Directorate. At the center of the war are two managers called Ms Saison Nuwe and Annet Akom.
The two powerful and rich babes of city hall are fighting for control over outdoor advertising deals. They each want to be the manager of outdoor advertising.
The manager of such is the one to clear and authorise the election of bill boards at strategic junctions of the city and those deals bring in very good cash in kickbacks.
Nuwe is well connected to state house but that hasn’t prevented Akom from fighting her head on for the control of the outdoor advertising deals.
The two babes are busy reporting and accusing each other inside Parliament, at IGG and among NUP councilors at city hall.
Annet Akom is very much educated and doesn’t fear Nuwe at all even though she is a blue-eyed girl of the president. Their war might force the new KCCA ED Frank Russa Nyakana to chase both of them if they don’t stop spilling each others dirty secrets.TrendingVIDEO: Female MP Says She’s Ready To Lose NUP ticket But Will Stand With Mpuuga ‘Paka Kuwulila Bubi’
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Two Top KCCA Managers Fight For Outdoor Advertising Deals In Kampala

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