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Abrupt End To Visitors’ Ability To Apply For A Work Permit In Canada


What is the Difference Between Inside Canada and Outside Canada Applications?
Inside Canada work permit application is still available to certain individuals already in Canada, allowing them to apply for or extend their work permits while remaining in Canada. 
Those that can still benefit from inside Canada processing include:

Those with a valid study or work permit or those who are eligible to restore their study or work permit, except those applying under the International Experience Canada program. 
Individuals with a spouse, common-law partner or parent who has a valid study or work permit.
In Canada students who are eligible for the post-graduation work permit and hold a valid study permit.
Individuals and spouses, common-law partners or parents with a temporary resident permit that is valid for 6 months or more.
In Canada residents waiting on a decision on an application for permanent residence under a family sponsorship program or temporary resident permit holder class.
Individuals who have made or will make a claim for refugee protection or those recognised as a convention refugee or protected person by the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada.
Individuals who are permitted to work in Canada without a work permit.
Workers in possession of a work permit issued under the Canada–United States–Mexico Agreement (CUSMA).

Inside Canada applications offer the applicant the possibility to stay in Canada under maintained status until a decision is made on their work permit application. 
In contrast, an outside Canada work permit application must be submitted to an outside of Canada processing office, determined by the applicant’s country of citizenship (applicants must state the country where they are applying from in the application form), and often comes with additional application requirements when compared to inside Canada applications. Outside Canada applications also face a higher risk of refusal and a potential lack of processing agents’ knowledge of provincial/territorial labour needs. 
Outside Canada applications will not extend the applicant’s stay in Canada. Therefore, additional applications may need to be made for the applicant to remain in Canada legally during the processing of their work permit application. In addition, if an interview is required as part of the application, the applicant will need to travel to the processing office and risk not being able to re-enter Canada in the future.
What can affected visitors in Canada do now?
Current and future visitors in Canada who intended to apply for a work permit before the February 2025 deadline initially posted by IRCC, but who now face a lack of clarity about their options or feel in limbo, may consider booking a consultation with a Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant. Here is a small selection of trusted RCICs that offer consultations.

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