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Al-Mustafa Islamic College Holds 4th Graduation In Kyengera, Wakiso District


Diplomatic corps members, ministers, parliamentarians, academics, and influential figures from the religious and political spheres attended this graduation.
“Enhancing Employability among the youth through Vocational Skilling” was the theme around which the ceremony was planned. and was attended by the following notable people: H.E. Mr. Majid Saffar, the ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran; H.E. Abdollah Abbasi, the cultural counselor of the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran; Dr. Tamouh Moustafa, the honorary consul of Syria; the ambassador of Libya; H.E. Fatima Fernandes, the ambassador of Venezuela; Rt. Hon. Hajjat Rukia Isanga Nakadama; Prof. Badru Dungu Kateregga, the vice chancellor of Kampala University; Dr. John Mutekanga Ssalongo, assistant commissioner from the ministry of Education; and media partners among other guests.
A solemn tone will be set for the day’s events with the performance of anthems and readings from the Holy Quran. The graduates participated in a procession that represented their transformation from students to knowledgeable members of society while wearing their customary academic regalia. A sense of success and the bright promise of the future were palpable in the air.

With one of the best teaching faculties in the country for all subject areas—including education, business, information technology, Islamic studies, and many more—their students get the chance to work with and learn from accomplished professors, lecturers, and tutors who are some of the most influential people in the field today.
At the momentous 4th Graduation ceremony, Dr. Rouhollah Dehghani, the Principal of Al-Mustafa Islamic College, acknowledged members of the diplomatic corps, including the Cultural Counsellor of the Islamic Republic of Iran’s Embassy. He thus complimented the students on finishing their individual studies and said they would be helpful in the global village.
Al-Mustafa Islamic College, he said, is a non-profit educational establishment that was founded in 2011 and offers a supportive environment for students to develop their skills, creativity, and self-assurance in preparation for a better future. The National Council for Higher Education has granted a license to Al-Mustafa.
He said that Al-Mustafa Islamic College, a shining example of religion and knowledge, is pleased to announce its fourth graduation ceremony, a historic event honoring the academic and spiritual accomplishments of its students. The event this year serves as a symbol of the College’s commitment to offering top-notch instruction and training in addition to the graduates’ perseverance and hard work.He urged interested parties to help the university use methodical approaches to realize its growth and innovation.
He mentioned that the institution is divided into five faculties: business management, education, science and technology, Islamic studies, and vocational studies, which offers more than 20 academic offerings.
The University offers Bachelors in Information Technology, Education, Islamic Studies, Business Administration, Diploma in Accounting and Finance, Information Technology, Public Administration, Islamic Studies, Business Administration, Guidance and Counselling, Arabic Language, Quran and Hadith, Education -Secondary and National Diploma and certificates in Hotel Management and Institutional catering, Fashion and Garment Design, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Business Administration, Accounting and Finance, Information Technology.
The Chairman Governing Council, Prof. Hyderi Abidi welcomed distinguished guests and also congratulated graduands for endeavoring to achieve academic success.He said that the university is focused on creating research and they have graduated 200 students in Education, Business studies, Science and Technology fields including international students from East African countries regardless of the impacts of Covid-19 pandemic.He commended the principal for the tremendous effort of producing academic giants and future and citizenry leaders.They’re committed in working with other institutions in terms of partnerships and academic cooperations to increase research and generation of new knowledge in industrial revolution.He challenged graduates to continue to other levels of interest to fit in the contemporary world.Dr. John Mutekanga Ssalongo, the Assistant Commissioner, Ministry of education and sports delivered greetings from the cabinet minister of education and the first lady.He commended the national council for higher education for accreditation of Al-mustafa Islamic College and in the same line, congratulated stakeholders upon having permanent premises for the college in Kyengera.He stressed about the need for the vocational skills since Uganda is predominantly an agricultural country.He noted that as the ministry of education, they’re having little number of Arabic teachers which must be done.
Third Deputy Prime Minister and Minister without portfolio of the Republic of Uganda, Rt. Hon. Hajjat Rukia Isanga Nakadama
He appreciated the Islamic values that Muslims have and highlighted the Iranian Ambassador remarks on those who are engaged in the genocide for not having values since all religious faith don’t support such acts against humanity.
H.E. Mr. Majid Saffar, Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran noted that it’s time to recognize students who have shown imperialists that injustices cannot prevail in a civilised society and therefore, implored graduands to live with others peacefully and always stand to defend the oppressed in the community.He thanked the government of Uganda for the good working relations between the Islamic Republic of Iran and Uganda and also establishing peace in the country and allowing religious freedom of expression where every religious entity is free to express their doctrines and values.
Ladies and gentlemen, Distinguished guests, And most importantly, our accomplished graduates, It is with immense pride and joy that I stand before you today to celebrate this significant moment in your lives. Today, we gather to honour your hard work, perseverance, and the bonds you have formed at this college here in Uganda. As you are all well-informed, Iran has a rich history of scientific and technological innovation, with centuries of contributions to fields such as mathematics, medicine, astronomy, and philosophy. The college you attended- with its roots in this rich tradition- has provided you with a high-quality education, equipping you with the knowledge and skills to thrive in a globalized world. Here, in Uganda, you have had the unique opportunity to experience the blending of two cultures, creating a vibrant and diverse academic environment. You, the esteemed graduates, have made a significant journey to reach this day. You have acquired an education that combines the best of both Iranian and Ugandan traditions, and you are now uniquely positioned to bring new perspectives and ideas to your communities. You are the bridges between cultures, and your role in shaping the future is crucial. Your education at this college has prepared you not only to excel in your careers but also to be advocates for tolerance, understanding, and justice. It is crucial that you use your knowledge and experience to bridge divides, foster dialogue, and work towards solutions that promote peace and respect for all people. Today, as we gather to celebrate your achievements, we find ourselves at a crossroads—a moment where education meets responsibility, and where enlightenment becomes our compass. The graduates have not only acquired knowledge but also a profound understanding of the world’s complexities. As we honour your accomplishments, let us recognize that education is not a solitary pursuit; it is a collective endeavor that transcends borders and cultures. In the spirit of unity, let us also acknowledge the recent protests and strikes by American students against the Zionist Regime’s brutality against the Palestinians. These young activists remind us that education carries with it a duty—to advocate for justice, to bridge divides, and to champion peace. You, too, bear this responsibility. Through your education, you can be ambassadors of peace and advocates for dialogue. As our late Great Supreme leader Imam Khomeini, said: We share the sorrow of all the oppressed people of the world and the oppressed people of the world should rise up against the arrogant. Palestinian people are playing their share, and we can say these days Palestine is freeing the world from arrogants and their bolly policies. Congratulations to all of you esteemed graduates, and may your journey be marked by purpose, compassion, and unwavering commitment to a better tomorrow.
The third Deputy Prime Minister of Uganda Rt. Hon. Hajjat Rukia Isanga Nakadama congratulated graduates upon presenting themselves to the human resource sector after passing through the hands of highly experienced and qualified academic professionals with a high record of excellence.She thanked parents and guardians for raising and educating their children regardless of other economic challenges and hardships.

He implored the stakeholders to embrace the latest new technologies in the market to facilitate development especially oil and Gas fields which Uganda has recently developed in plans and Iranian government is ready to collaborate with Uganda in ICT as per my recent trip to Iran.The graduation ceremony is not only a culmination of the student’s educational journey but also a new beginning. It marks the point where they step out into the world equipped with knowledge, skills, and a deep sense of ethical responsibility. Al-Mustafa Islamic College’s holistic approach to education ensures that its graduates are not just academically proficient but also morally grounded and ready to contribute positively to their communities.She rallied the university to continue adding more faculties such as oil and gas, research among others as well as working on more branches in different areas.
As, the government of Uganda, are thankful to the Iranian community for establishing the education institution and they are available for any support to realize their mission.She rallied students to love their country, leaders and elders who have established an enabling environment for investment in Education, health, among others.Hojatul-Islam Syed Hamid Jazayeri, Vice president of Education at Al-Mustafa International University, Iran congratulated graduands upon the 4th graduation ceremony.
He noted about the tragedy of Gaza genocide that has awakened nations and implored that the world today needs spiritual civilization to avoid such kind of brutality against humanity.He rallied students to always participate in the development of their nations through acquiring the necessary knowledge and skills that shape the status co of the society.

Al-Mustafa Islamic College Holds 4th Graduation In Kyengera, Wakiso District

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