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Bad Day For New Vision As Judge Dismisses Lawyer Balondemu’s Case – Ultimate News


For much of last year, the New Vision editors and reporters led by Charles Etukuri condemned Kampala lawyer Dr. David Balondemu as a conman. They published countless stories showing that he was a conman who had stolen billions of shillings from foreign investors from Korea, America etc.
The stories resulted into the arrest and detention of Balondemu who spent some good time in Luzira after SHACU went after him. The mafia got down to work, using New Vision, after it became clear that the president was going to make him a minister in his government. This was after Balondemu advised the president on how to save Owino market land.

The mafia went as far as hijacking the agenda of the cabinet meeting where one of the SHACU bosses was smuggled in to lie to the President that Balondemu was the biggest reason why investors were no longer coming to Uganda. Mbu he steals their money which scared them to stay away from Uganda.TrendingJUST IN: Foreign Affairs Ministry Clears Air On Blogger Lumbuye’s Reported Death
Rebecca Kadaga was in cabinet and opposed that presentation and told the president that Uganda had many bigger problems which explain why investors don’t come here anymore and it had nothing to do with Balondemu. Museveni had showed a lot of favor for Balondemu and was consulting him on many land matters including Owino market, than he was utilizing the lands ministry.

Museveni refused to accept what SHACU and the DPP were saying and instead used Afande Susan Kasingye to investigate Balondemu on his own and discovered it was all based on vendetta and fake news. Museveni realized that Balondemu would sue the government for malicious prosecution and be awarded a lot of money.
This is going to come to pass because the Buganda Road Grade One Magistrate Winnie Jatiko Namkya has on Thursday acquitted Balondemu by dismissing all the cases against the lawyer after the state, the DPP and SHACU had refused and failed to produce any evidence against him.
The Magistrate was angry that since September last year, the prosecution has been playing hide and seek by failing to prosecute the case. She had been pressurizing the DPP to produce witnesses and those investors they claim Balondemu extorted money from but they haven’t brought any.
They had said they had investors from Korean, America etc who can pin Balondemu but up to now they haven’t brought any. Prosecution also failed to reveal who the complainant was in their cases against Balondemu who has been exonerated in court this morning.
It’s not clear if Balondemu is going to be suing the state for malicious prosecution after which court can award him billions of shillings to repair his name and image which has been destroyed on accusations of crimes which he didn’t commit. Using Etukuri, New Vision had crucified Balondemu and showed the whole country that he is crook who extorted 6m dollars from foreign investors. His lawyer Hassan Kamba told reporters on Thursday outside court that they haven’t ruled out suing the newspaper for defaming their client.
In dismissing the charges against Balondemu, the Magistrate said the prosecution had failed to satisfy the standard set out and required under S119 of the Magistrates Court Act. Prosecutor Allan from the DPP’s office licked his very dry lips, bowed his head, coiled his tail and walked out of the court room with all shame written all over his face.
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Bad Day For New Vision As Judge Dismisses Lawyer Balondemu’s Case

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