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EAC Appoints Kenya’s Former Chief Justice Maraga To Lead Rwanda’s Election Observation Team


Former Chief Justice of Kenya David Maraga has been appointed by the East African Community (EAC) to lead the election observation mission in Rwanda.

In a press briefing on Friday in Kigali, EAC Secretary-General Veronica Nduva announced that Maraga’s role would be to lead 55 observers across the country to monitor how the elections will be conducted in line with the existing laws.

Rwanda is set to conduct its presidential and parliamentary elections on July 15, 2024 and July 16, 2024. The observation team is expected to monitor the elections preparation process, election days up to when the winners will be declared.

The team will then be required to file a detailed report, highlighting key aspects of the electoral process.

“It is therefore my sole honour this morning to officially announce to the people of Rwanda that, within my mandate, I have appointed Chief Justice (emeritus) David Moraga of Kenya to lead the EAC election observation mission to the Rwanda general election 2024,” she said.

“We’re expecting that this mission will go out in the various part of the four provinces of Rwanda and why we’re here is just to ensure that we observe international law and practices. Rwanda has its own procedures for elections. For us, it’s just to monitor how the elections are conducted in line with the existing laws of the land. More importantly we offer a shoulder as a partner state.”

Following the announcement, Moraga noted that a peaceful and successful general election would be a success for the entire East African Community,” Maraga noted.

“The team will be assessing the level of compliance with the electoral processes and management to the international, regional and national established laws, principles and practices,” he remarked.

“It will also be assessing adherence to the democratic principles of the EAC as enshrined in the Treaty; and offering objective recommendations for continuous improvement for the conduct of such elections.

Rwandan president Paul Kagame is seeking his fourth term in office as he contends against two opposition candidates; Frank Habineza and Philippe Mpayimana.

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EAC Appoints Kenya’s Former Chief Justice Maraga To Lead Rwanda’s Election Observation Team

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