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From just a Street Beggar to a Member of Parliament – Ultimate News


My name is Bernard. I am currently the MP for a certain constituency in this country. I want to share with you my success story that some think looks like a movie so that one day you may also try and thank me later.
Due to time, I will not bog you with long stories but just take the most important part and share with you. It doesn’t matter what you may think about me but as long as I pass this message to you I will be satisfied. If you have ears you can listen and if you have eyes you can see.
Just like Jesus spoke to the stones and whether they heard or not it was nolonger his problem.
I completed my education at Gulu University in 2012 and graduated with first class honors before I left for job searching. I looked for a job for many years without much success.TrendingJUST IN: Foreign Affairs Ministry Clears Air On Blogger Lumbuye’s Reported Death
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One day I was just strolling around my area around Peche Stadium in Gulu when I stumbled on a piece of manila flier which I read sentence by sentence and gleaned most important information from it.
It read this: Doctor Mugwenu is traditional doctor whose spell casting powers work within 24 hours. He handles general problems ranging from winning court cases, winning the lottery, protection of family and property, as well as accurate prediction of one’s future. He heals blood pressure, diabetes, ulcers, gonorrhea, syphilis, TB, and manhood weakness among other ailments.
The traditional doctor further solves life challenges, for instance, love issues, family problems, hardships in business, increases your luck which is in, winning lottery games and court cases, promotions at work and clears away devilish spirits and nightmares.
You can get the help you need wherever you are through distance healing. Mugwenu Doctors say one of their greatest attributes is distance healing: They will work together with you, but detachment is the key to success during this healing process. You must be in a quiet place and detach yourself from everything around you. This is very important because your body must connect with the healing elements.
I loved whatever message this piece of paper had and since I was struggling to get a job, I decided one day to try reaching to this herbalist. Interestingly when I talked to him on phone he was too friendly to believe what encouraged me to make efforts to meet him in person.
He gave me an appointment on a Thursday. I went and met with him. He is a very simple man contrary to what people say about traditional herbalist.
He even never did what people say of such people. We just had a chat, enjoyed our time together, shared my mind and he helped.
Since that time, my life started going up spontaneously. I was immediately employed by a multinational company in Kampala as an accountant where I amassed a lot of wealth.
Vied in 2016 and won with a landslide. Thank you Dr. Mugwenu today I am a honorable with money, wealth and a good family.
Should you find that things are not working as you want them to, just connect with Mugwenu Doctors.
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From just a Street Beggar to a Member of Parliament

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