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From Trench Town Jamaica To The World Singer Korexion


So now in this era now that convers this conversation is good to have because again folks who have the knowledgeable ideas they can stay home and work now we can communicate with other folks networking and so therefore even if you need other products other so bless to see the

Nation rise it’s all bless to see the sunrise it’s all blessed to see my friends alive it’s all blessed to see the you them surviv same like the Grammys you know the Grammys have the reg categor so we have our own Grammys in Canada they call it the Jun award so

My first singer got me nominated for the for their Juna award my second song the second year got me one a Juno so I’m also a Canadian Juno Award winner Stone you you’re reminding me of one of the dance all you know artist and you know

He has bought uh he has a very big name in Uganda he’s called Vibes Cartel gazel yeah are are you from Gaza are you from Gaza or you from there’s another place of Mado what’s the other place of Mado Go Go Side G are are you are you from Gaza all you from

G you know that’s a good question you know because um the Gaza is in Portmore and I and I have family members in Portmore some in Portmore the golly side I never really spent time in the goly side run where m is from but this but

This the thing that I can laugh about is that I in trenchtown we have a goalie we have a go a goalie that runs that cuts um part of the community all right um how are you doing ladies and gentlemen my name is uh tin de gracious you on our

Tin YouTube channel and I’m straight in Uganda representing for uh for the love of music and I’m having my guest on the right correction uh Jamaican best um Jamaican born Canadian best reggy Roomba artist you know he would tell us other styles he does but before I get uh

I I get um you know a pinch of him I would love to first shout outs to the um African decent Summit I want to REM mind everyone that we have we are having African distance Summit on 17th and up to the 20th of uh July so be there or be

Nowhere if you want to be in Canada be there if you if you don’t want to be in Canada also be there so book your invitation go to the African desent o n uh get uh your invitation get your visa ready get all your plan uh plans ready

Because Summer is sweeter when you are with African then um we have another another event my sister Nina Rosa ugan artist is also coming to Canada in uh in May so be there to support the our African artists support the Ugandan artists because we are here to make sure our talents go go

Globally so please subscribe to this channel like and comment just in case uh you’ve loved the interview and make sure you also follow my artist because you know we shall be having at once in a month a discussion on how you know how to be an international artist so I think

We need to create time and correction we need to create time and talk about all that because we have very many Jamaican Artists that would love you know to get all uh all the dos and Don of what you did to be correction right now then we

Have still the Ugandan artist out there that would love to be International you know doing the music uh stuff like that um without further Ado i w to let you know open the stage for you say hi to the viewers say hi to everyone that is listening in now uh reintroduce yourself my

Brother yes yes so um I want to say thank you very much first of all to Uganda uh for this opportunity and thank you U Tinto for this opportunity as well greatly appreciate it um you know it’s it’s a great opportunity to be at this moment um having this conversation with

You and see how um Li Jamaica link to Canada back to Africa how can we connect the create that triangle and keep that triangle going and it’s um it’s a great moment as well in our history because this is um February which is Black History Month here in in in Canada and

In North America plus as well as his Bob Marley month as well Plus on top of that is regga month so February is always regga month so it’s um it’s a great moment for getting this opportunity with you and especially coming out of um trenchtown Jamaica which we call

Originally we call it let start over Jamaica in Jamaica we have a parish which normally they call it Province or your region we call Kingston and in that little region we have a little Community which we call trench Town yeah so trench town in trenchtown it’s a place um I was

Glad to be part of um grew up in I I was born in Spanish Town a b not a bad area gangster area where killing happened every day and then I I move over into trenchtown just after Bob Mary passed away and things so I was the young one including

My family members all musicians and singers so the greatest part of my journey is that I I stumbled into trenchtown where all all history of regga Music are originated and refined in other words they call trench the University of regga music yeah man where every street um there’s a sign where

They tell you all these artists are from so for for example um I can give you four streets First Street was Bob Marley and the WHAS Second Street you have another set of artists named Del Wis no Peter tush was on Peter tush is on Fourth Street but he he was combined

Into First Street B Mal and the Whalers which is bnny wher Peter touch and Bob Marley right and you have R Marley and Judy M and um I forgot her the other individual name but that First Street Second Street you have another said the artist delard Wilson and a few other

Artists Third Street you have myself correction you have big artist Ken boot you have a few of artists on Fourth Street again as you said you had um Peter TSH but the big name from Fourth Street was Alton Ellis a big reg singer so he’s from Fourth Street and Fifth

Street and he go on and on so it’s the only place that I can recall that I see signs everywhere I go tell you all these other artists are from there so I was glad to grew up in trench Stone okay talking about uh trench Stone you you’re

Reminding me of one of the danceall you know artists and you know he has bought he has a very big name in Uganda he’s called Vibes Cartel Gaza cartel yeah are you are you from Gaza are you from Gaza or you from there’s another place of MAF

What’s the other place of MAF go g side gide are are you are you from Gaza or you from G you know that’s a good question you know because um the Gaza is in Portmore and I and I have family members in Portmore some in Portmore the golly side

I never really spent time in on the golly Side Run where m is from but this but this the thing that I can laugh about is that I in trenchtown we have a goalie we have a go a goalie that runs that cuts um part of the community so

You have to cross over a little walk over Bridge that separates us on the next side of the of the community so we always sitting down on our on our goes so I guess I’m a go side um are you ready for the release of

You know the king of uh the president of Gaza cartel they have their own drama to work out and I have and I have my own drama you know so I’m I’m not going to feed myself into there what’s happening you know um I hope I I wish for the best

Um I wish for the best for each and everyone who is involved you know I’m not deep into it and I don’t want to go dive deep into it because again it’s too much trauma into that okay okay um how does it feel to be um first of all a

Black second of all h a Jamaican artist in Canada how does it feel feeli what does it take a good question um when I left from Jamaica and come here in Canada I I found out that um the music itself is the the platform is a different setup cuz in Jamaica you you

Have every radio station playing reg music like 90% of your radio station playing what you sing and then you come into a Canadian industry where they don’t play regular music they don’t play Dance all regularly they may play it um maybe one station plays it on a consistency while

The other radio stations you have to be a popular a popular popular like a Shaggy or as you say a Vibes Cartel or a whatever popping song Popular Song at that moment but other than that it’s really really hard but the greatest thing for me is that um I’ve I’ve did my

Homework and and I went on the streets because the streets is what create individually um so everyone who’s um learning this it’s not necessar and promoting your stuff online on online on online at the market don’t see you if if the community don’t see you performing and doing your stuff and

Doing and horing your craft and as well as embodying that Community you’re not going to be at the term you’re not going to be you’re not bus yeah you know I mean it’s a community that expand your your your your your your push into the

Market so what I did I went into the community I I started from scratch and I built myself up where um my first main song got nominated for the Canadian um top um music award in Canada they call it the Jun award j n o okay and there’s

A category in it for reg music same like the Grammys you know the Grammys have their reg categories so we have our own Grammys in Canada they call it the junor award so my first single got me nominated for the for their Juno award my second song the second year got me

Wana Juno so I’m also a Canadian Juno Award winner um and also my third song got me nominated as well and I’m currently signed with a label um I’m traveling I’ve been in Jamaica for the last four years and I just came back up um traveling performing um writing um

Recording I did quite a bit of work in Jamaica for the last four years so coming back up in Canada as you ask me how hard it is it’s really really hard for artists but the greatest part of um being in Canada is that they have the

Opportunity for you to um to enhance your craft okay like schools they have the equipments they give you all these equipments available for to earn your crafts so I’ve seen that in the whole whole Community itself that you know that music um it’s expanding it’s increasing but there’s more to do okay

Um um I’m glad you’re being nominated in all you know these Awards you being You’ve Won these Awards um does it really make you an international artist uh because you know as in Uganda when arst song all uh uh Persona gets nominated in international Awards he becomes you know an international artist

Are you uh typically an international Artist as as per say um good question I am I am branded as an international artist um again from Jamaica um I’ve been doing lots of work I’m in Canada do a lot of work in the United States I do a lot of work I’ve

Perform in Europe as well I travel in Europe as well uh performing on festivals so I’ve been International so I can brand myself as International my music is international as well I’m fully signed to a label as well um the only difference is having the song popular or

Getting it into Airwaves like yourself getting into various other promotional packages um am I do I do I think I’m I’m a great artist I I’m still learning every day I learn but I’m developing and I’ve been in the business for quite some times even though I look so young I’ve

Been in the business quite some time um so I’ve learned all these little techniques and I deliver performing when I perform I deliver I execute properly okay let’s um let’s talk about your other personal life you know what do you do for a living but from music I don’t I don’t

I don’t know if I’m even password I’m sorry I’m sorry to say that’s no that’s one thing I’ve one thing I’ve learned in music industry here in Canada especially being that hard is that you need something to fall back on have to because until you become

Popular and you can travel and one song or your album will expand you do need some form of income to keep you going yeah so I I went back to University and I got two degrees one in business and one in sociology and um when I got that um I

Started to work as a salesperson in the financial World Financial industri so I’m I’m good at sales marketing products okay so the greatest part of that is that that’s I guess that’s why I’m always consistent every year because utilizing that sales that same sales techniques that I’m utilizing to make

Other corporations benefit how can I make myself and my songs being my songs are the product how can I get my product to the airwaves and get consistency and all these profitability okay um talking talking about you and your music you under a label now um does that really

Mean you don’t have any challenges you know you always have challenges you will always have challenges especially signing on a label the challenges come bigger and and and and and um and difficult to to bigger and difficult to actually analyze and to some extent if I can say that how

How because again when you sign to a label because prior to signing to a label you’re always doing your thing by yourself and then when you come into a label a label can sign you in various ways one a label can put you under exclusive rights where you any any

Transaction shows or producing from production into from another producer you have to go through the label and the problem with that is if your friends or other people local D local producers want to really get you on a track or want to get you on a show but it’s

Cheaper they don’t have the big money it’s hard for them to come to your label cuz your label have a standard cost that fits everybody in that bucket if you don’t have that money if you don’t have those paperworks it’s you can’t really do anything while um so that’s exclusive

While you have some other you know signing agreements but again the exclusive one is one of the hardest one and it can make or break you cuz you your your career is now representing from that label if that label want to do anything for you they will do it if not

They can shelf your your music and keep you unknown okay um we have very many Jamaican Artists apparently trying to shift the trend from Europe from Jamaica uh to Africa why the rush now is it the pasal and scrum of Africa uh 2024 all the new century you know what what is in

Africa that is making people you know come to Africa um good question as well because again from for me um Africa is a motherland we call it from Jamaica motherland in the rasaan rasaan culture that we grew up in motherland Mama Africa so I have a lots of songs that is

About to release talking about going back to Africa too so we always as a black artists always promote going back to Africa or motherland cuz that’s where we came from so but back in the days that was fairy tale because one we never had our generate my grandfather’s grandfather generation never had the

Means to come to go back to Africa yeah so now in this new era New Generation we our generation is wiser so we’re go we have the means now there’s flights there’s direct flights back to Africa and it’s little we have we can save and now we can go

And now due to the fact of networking and communication between you and I you’re in Uganda and I’m in Canada but from Jamaica but it it shows you now we can communicate we can connect to Africa back and it’s easier now to make the connection so now yeah we want to come

Back to Africa we want to come back to Africa we want to migration migration migration migration yes I I want to perform I want to come Africa to perform I want to tour Africa and I want to live in Africa I’d love to come come to

Africa to live okay and and help set up and create and help utilize what I’ve learned all these years to help the new generation of musicians and singers okay uh talk still talking about Africa who is that you know artist to maybe in Uganda all East Africa all Africa at

Large that you know is standing out you love maybe to do a collab oration all his music is you know uh good for your listening pleasure good question I’m not going to sit um tell you lies and everything and try hype up someone that I’ve never really honestly um i’ I’ve skimmed

Through a lot of um African artists and the bua boys and all these guys coming up and the other individuals but for me the names I’m not really comfortable with names so I can’t tell you a name that yeah I know that artist that a great artist I want to work with I’d

Love to work with some top name um African artists because I I find your Market is available and it’s ready um your mark back in Jamaica when we just start learning Dance all when it’s when you have like um artists like when buj Banton for example when buj Banton just

Just came out with big it up ride Mur and and dance was so so nice so so nice when the vi that’s what I see in Africa right now that that at a your point in time right now okay so it’s perfect timing okay um let’s talk about you and your

Music now um you say you talked about a new um you talked about a new album coming out soon or some some some songs we’re gonna talk about it in a meeting but before we go there I want you to add this point together where do you get the

Inspiration of you know doing the kind of music you’re doing right now plus you know you talk about the the new album you you’re releasing yeah well for me the inspiration comes from my day-to-day occurrences and the the hardship that’s happening in my community and again my my job is not to

Create hype songs and try to get something quickly this is more differently this is coming from the ghetto of trench toone where gunshot up kill people every day and you can’t cross over one street because if you cross over one street you’re a dead man and police don’t there’s no police who

Who’s patrolling is soldiers patrolling the place so there’s hardships there’s times when my family don’t have money I’m begging on the streets in Jamaica in in markets so there’s hardship there’s times when people killing off your family members in front of you you can’t do nothing or say

Nothing there’s hardship in even in Canada here where there’s no home there’s to many homeless people now on the streets there’s a lot of Africans so all of a sudden there’s infus of Africans here and there’s Infuse of um the other folks who are having issues

All over the world all these white um dominant cultures who have problems all over Israelites all of them who have issues but when I’m coming Canada they’re all they’re all back into a home they’re taken care of but I’m seeing so many Africans who are migrated recently days and they’re on the

Streets it’s like it’s the system is is so separ separated where so there’s lots to talk about you know it’s it’s not it’s not changed Life Is Life in Canada Life all over the world doesn’t change it’s just a system a systematic setup but it’s hard when you know that other countries

Who are facing hardship can come in Canada and instantly they get places to stay but when my African Brothers come in it’s like it’s like a community base it’s like Community alone have to take care of these these immigrants while government has has so much resources that they can actually

Help out the individuals who comes in so that’s hard for me still so there’s many many more things to talk about lots and lots and lots and lots more things to talk about so I get my inspiration cor lifestyle correction before you go there um um you talked about the emotional speech

Of you know African suffering in Canada African suffering in Jamaica African suffering in in Africa does that really mean you advising people uh to stay where they are they don’t need to you know move to maybe the us or Canada because you know things are not Rosy

Everywhere I 100% agree um you know when when I left Jamaica came to Canada I always dream about going back to going back to Jamaica to live and create a big industry that I can help my community and help expand Jamaica me going back to Jamaica for spending four years recently remind

Myself that I definitely I have to go back to Jamaica and create something a legacy as well helping out the community set up some form of youth programs or some feeding programs or some musical prog program that I can help the community expand so for me telling individual I can’t really stop anyone

From migrating because migration is is a good thing but also a bad thing because like Jamaica I don’t know about Africa but like Jamaica um my great grandfather eror come straight up to my father eror there was brain drain that word brain drain where all the elites all the knowledge

Folks who can help the community get quick visas because of that government overly wants their wants their resource want take them away so there was so much of a brain drain so you find out said the the people in at that time don’t have much knowledge on the evolution to take it to

The next level now our generation like yourself here we are on a radio station before they never wanted to give us this opportunity and here we are now with this opportunity right that’s what I’m saying so that means there’s a lot of there’s there’s a lot of brain drain in Africa

The wise people you know are being taken the doctors the nurses you know and communities you know uh to to die yep standard so now in this era now that conversation this conversation is good to have because again folks who have the knowledgeable ideas they can stay

Home and work now we can communicate with other folks networking and so therefore even if you need other products other services you can Network go straight to Instagram or whatever connect with whoever you need to connect with instantly and try get that connection there to make expand your business expand yourself locally because

Again I I’ve realized now a lot of folks like yourself being in Africa and Jamaica folks in Canada when I hear that you’re from Uganda I I I’m gladly want to do this interview to one expand my networking and as well to expand your networking as

Well yeah so but you don’t have to come to Canada to this interview see so New Era you know you don’t have to go to come to Canada come all over the world to expand your knowledge and your ability it’s just trying to find a a a

The right space in your local area and connect with who need to be connected and expand yourself and your knowledge and your business okay let’s talk about the inspiration where you get the inspiration for your music the kind of music you do well again love love love my love

Music a lot of um a lot of my girlfriend my ex-girlfriends always said to me when you writing a song about me when you writing a song about me when you’re writing a song about me every one of them every one of my girl ex-girlfriends

Wanted me to write a song about them but writing a song is more on again what I see what’s happening around me and things that touches me as well cuz you get you know it’s not an easy life that we all live in it’s some really

Complicated and every day we go we have ups and down so I try my best to um write songs that will connect to everyone and take you into into an emotion it could probably a Feelgood emotion and make sure that you’re happy or something to take you back into

Consideration in in inner yourself and try understanding yourself and understanding what’s happening around and how we can do better okay um just in case there’s someone that is you know watching this uh interview um where uh can they get hold of you what are your socials um management numbers you know

Collaboration which which kind of person you know should reach out in case they need a collaboration with you and uh you know the type of music they do I think also matters yes well it can always um again my name is correction you know we’re Jamaican so we spell it differently so

Don’t spell c o r r e c t i o and it it it it is spelled k o r e x i o n in French it call it corion yeah so it’s um powerful song powerful name um I’m writing I’m finishing my albums again you can

YouTube me Reverb me um iTune I’m in on Instagram um Google me my name again k o r e x i o n I’m on Gmail so correction at gmail so you can always reach out to me and um you know here to collaborate as well with um African artists I’m

Hoping for that and as well as booking agents I’m I always open to um expand my my performance in Africa so I’m always available so ready ready for the road and uh again I have a song named it’s all blessed name it’s all bless to see the children smile it’s all blessed to

See the rain of fall it’s all blessed to see the nation rise it’s all bless to see the sun rise it’s all blessed to see my friends alive it’s all bless to see the you them survive it’s all bless to see my mama smile it’s a blessing to

See bless up to everybody Africa Uganda yeah man African descent me big up on your yeah by the way by the way talking about African descent uh I saw you’re going to be there uh you’re going to perform on the 17th to the 28th so how ready are

You for the African desent Summit uh this July this year this year oh goodness I’m so excited um now I know how much African descent Summit is um is intertwined into the into the African um Community um I I I experienced it last year and I know exactly what it’s all

About and I’m so excited to be part of it this year I’m also performing with my band to it’s a live entertainment I want everybody from Africa Uganda from come come see your your artist and as well come support your artist coming into Toronto and as well come support myself again

Correction again I’m bringing Music Live From Jamaica um culturistic and as well as some lovers rock you know participation love the girls and woman on your birthday just passed just now yeah man wasn’t your birthday when was your birthday earlier not you yeah it was my birthday 20 22nd Fe see happy

Boss happy my boss thank you thank you how good I did see I didn’t see the gifts so but by thank you for the for the greetings I’m getting old every day but by the way I would love um I would love to work with um I would love to work

With you one time so we shall figure out how you know we need to work together because I mean definitely yeah I’m mean media you doing music and you also you doing sales so you need to you know put your product out and as well T um I want

To tell you as well is that I started a booking agency here in Canada okay we One-Stop shop for all your all the local artists in rega music as well in Canada and Jamaica so if you ever need artist just let me know I’m a onop shops I’m

I’m helping the community as well expanding that business but by by the way I I think um we shall connect more we get some Ugandan artists you know to to connect with you so that in case anyone need needs a Ugandan artist they can yeah they can get get to you and you

Know we make sure some of artist uh dreams get you know to light I agreed I agreed I love that statement make some of the artists them dreams get alive awesome real for real for real for real by Before I Let You Go did I see a

Lighter light it up light it up light it okay I have to let you go but it is fun I would love to have this discussion at least once in a month because you know we have very many Jamaican Artists that would love you know to get some few

Advice we have ugana artist we have East African artists and um hope hopefully if I God willing I think I’ll try to get another person you know we have a discussion three of us they you know every time we have a discussion with maybe a media person Personnel or

Another artist from another country you know our knowledge can be shared among star how how is the idea a perfect idea I love that idea I love that idea and again we have I have artists here in Canada so do need more artists from Canada to represent let me know and I

Definitely can get that done yeah man okay thank you so much um your last messages you know to uh everyone that is watching us now well for thank to everyone who have been supporting correction throughout the years um greatly appreciate it um keep on supporting me I have great music great

Tracks check me out support me send some music out um and most of all you know download some of my music you know send some money my way to tell promoter for book me man yeah man yeah man yeah man but I’m sorry I’m going to use I’m going

To use uh um the headline on my my story hopefully it won’t get you bitter um but let me tell it to you so that when I no problem you don’t get pissed the title I’m gonna use is Canada almost killed my talent how is it Canada almost

My talent um Canada go tell tell you that they they’re the one who bust me so they can’t they they’re going to say how comes how come Canada well it’s up to you well that’s all right because because what we need is the talkability you know everyone problem yeah everyone

Would love to say how did Canada kill this guy’s you know career no problem please do that okay thank you so much um hopefully we shall get an interview come next month with another person on the panel so that you know we speak more on our industry

Problems um media we talk to the media we talk to you know the producers what you know how they really killing our music or what they’re doing great to promote the music Before I Let You Go please allow me to mention this um mention from African descent I’m

Reminding everyone that is watching us on the 17th of July up to the 20th please be there atth Pavilion it’s called Pavilion right Pavilion yeah be there Toronto Pavilion Toronto Pavilion yeah yeah be there at the Toronto Pavilion um vinka is going to be there correction on my right here is GNA be

There you know and very many local dancers and performers so be there or be nowhere African desent is has come you know to put or Shin a light on our talents on our problems

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DISCLAIMER: Content might be gossip, rumors, or exaggerated – based on trending news on social media, Twitter and otherwise. Viewers are advised to do their own research before forming their opinion.

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