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Humanitarian Truce Faces Hurdles As Fighting Rages in North Kivu


The effective implementation of a two-week truce in North Kivu province eastern Democratic Republic of Congo continues to suffer hurdles following resumed fighting between the March M23 Movement and government forces /coalition wazalendo.   

Last week, the United States announced that both FARDC soldiers and M23 fighters have accepted a two-week total cease-fire under her request starting on July 5, 2024, at all the fronts in Lubero, Masisi, Rutshuru, and Nyiragongo territories to allow displaced civilians access to humanitarian aid.   

However, a reliable source told our reporter that heavy fighting between M23 rebels and Wazalendo militia fighters named Alliance of Congolese Nationalists for the Defense of Human Rights (ANCDH) headed by Jean-Marie Bonane happened on Wednesday in villages of Nyange, Bibwe, and surroundings in Masisi territory.   

According to a reliable source, M23 managed to dislodge militia fighters from the villages of Nyange, Mukengwa, Bibwe Center as well as Kitso Hill behind the Catholic parish of Bibwe. M23 rebels also advanced to Kitso (militia headquarters) located about 9 kilometers from Nyange.  

The fighting caused massive displacement of locals towards neighboring Lukweti and other secure villages.   

Lieutenant Colonel Ndjike Kaiko Guillaume, Spokesperson of the military in North Kivu province, on Thursday, released a statement accusing M23 rebels of launching attacks and violating the truce. M23 rebels have not yet come out to comment on the accusations.  

On Monday, Lawrence Kanyuka, M23 Political Spokesperson released a statement accusing the government army-FARDC and coalition of violating the truce by launching an assault on M23 positions in Matembe, about 12 kilometres from Kaseghe in Lubero territory.    Kanyuka condemned the attack claiming that it also targeted the civilians.     

In March 2022, M23, led by Bertrand Bisimwa and General Sultan Makenga, initiated a conflict against the government.  The DR Congo government accuses Rwanda of supporting M23, although both Rwanda and M23 vehemently deny these claims. 

The rebels assert that they are fighting against corruption, xenophobia, and discrimination within the leadership of DR Congo.


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Humanitarian Truce Faces Hurdles As Fighting Rages in North Kivu

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