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Lawyer petitions EU to sanction Speaker Among over corruption allegations


Lawyer Innocent Ainebyona (small frame) seeks international pressure to hold Ugandan Speaker Anita Annet Among accountable for corruption (PHOTO/Courtesy).KAMPALA – Innocent Ainebyona, a Ugandan lawyer and human rights activist, has petitioned the European Union Delegation to Uganda to impose sanctions on Speaker of Uganda’s Parliament, Anita Among. In his petition, Ainebyona alleges that Among has been involved in numerous corruption scandals, accumulating wealth and assets through illicit means.“As you are aware, Conventional corruption occurs when government officials illegitimately receive or accumulate an undue advantage for their own personal use disregarding public interest. The Rt. Hon. Speaker of the Parliament of Uganda to wit Anita Annet Among has been involved in a number of corruption scandals displaying all signs of a conventional corrupt official in Uganda.”Ainebyona cites Among’s lifestyle audit, which reveals a pattern of extravagant spending, including purchases from high-end UK Royal boutiques. He also points to her ownership of multiple assets, despite Uganda’s struggling economy and poor service delivery. These actions, Ainebyona argues, demonstrate Among’s disregard for public interest and her prioritization of personal gain.“Currently, she purchases her garments from the United Kingdom Royal boutiques and also owns a number of assets despite the inefficiencies in service delivery in Uganda. It’s on record that she’s the champion of shielding, protecting or defending corrupt Members of Parliament who are even charged before the Anti-corruption court of Uganda.”Furthermore, Ainebyona accuses Among of shielding corrupt Members of Parliament, protecting them from accountability and perpetuating a culture of impunity. He claims that she has used her position to silence critics and opponents, creating a climate of fear and intimidation.Ainebyona’s petition requests that the EU impose travel bans on Among, freeze her properties and bank accounts, and hold her accountable for her actions. He believes that these measures will help to combat corruption and promote transparency in Uganda.The petition comes on the heels of similar sanctions imposed by the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in May 2024. The UAE sanctioned Among, along with two former ministers, Mary Goretti Kitutu and Agnes Nandutu, for embezzling funds from a government project. The UAE instructed financial institutions not to deal with the trio and froze their properties.Among has dismissed the UK sanctions as “politically motivated” and a “witch-hunt” for her support of the Anti-Homosexuality Act. However, the UAE’s sanctions contradict her claim, as the country is a strong opponent of homosexuality.Ainebyona’s petition highlights the need for international pressure to combat corruption in Uganda. By holding leaders accountable for their actions, the EU and other nations can help to promote transparency and good governance in the country.Related

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