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A 3-year-old female juvenile named Elizabeth was kidnapped by a 36-year-old man of Burundi nationality named Asaba Ibrahim alias Kadogo, a resident of Kabule cell, Tamu Division, Mityana Municipality.The suspect called the victim’s mother, Mbature Maria, and demanded a ransom of one million shillings, which was paid on 27/08/2024 at around 0830hrs.After receiving the money, the suspect informed the parents that he would bring the child back by 1300hrs. However, he later demanded more money and revealed that he was in Mukono district, where he had gone after kidnapping the victim.The suspect was traveling towards Kampala when, at around 1400hrs in Busega, he handed over the victim to a taxi driver to deliver her to Mityana and shared the victim’s parents’ numbers with him.The parents quickly shared the driver’s number with the police. When the police called the driver and asked him to arrest the suspect, the driver instead handed the child back to the suspect and asked him to find another taxi, as he was no longer coming to Mityana. Fortunately, the driver informed the police that the suspect was traveling in taxi number UBJ 222Y.At 1625hrs, the police arrested the suspect at Gaz petrol station in Mityana district while he was aboard the same taxi. The victim was found to be in good health and was handed over to her parents.The action of the driver who was called to apprehend the suspect but instead absconded was deemed cowardly and irresponsible, as it posed a risk of the suspect escaping. Kituuma psc (U)ACPPRO UPF

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