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No one forced me to delete pro-march posts- Azawi


Singer Priscilla Zawedde also known as Azawi has said she deleted pro-march social media posts on her own will without being forced by anyone.In a shocking turn of events, Azawi deleted all posts she had previously made showing support for the anti- corruption march to parliament leading to murmurs from members of the public.However, in a statement later, the singer said she did it on her own.“”I want to clarify that I personally deleted my post because I have full control over my Twitter account,” Azawi said.“Trust me, I didn’t do it to please those doing this country faulty. I can never give such cowards that satisfaction.”The singer explained that the decision was informed by the desire to prevent her voice from being misused for malicious intents by unscrupulous individuals.Apologising for the inconveniences caused, the singer said her stance towards government and accountability hasn’t changed.“However, this does not mean that my stance on ‘Abakamuzi’ has changed. It wasn’t my intention to make anyone feel like I had quit our fight and cause. We’re still in this together, and one day we shall be heard.”

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