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Over 3000 farmers to attend Eastern African Grain Council’s agribusiness expo


At least 3000 farmers and other stakeholders from al over the country are expected to attend the 12th annual agribusiness expo organized by the Eastern African Grain Council later this month.This year’s expo that will run between June 28 and 29 will be held at the Kihonda Demonstration Centre in Masindi District.Gerald Masila, the EAGC Executive Director said the expo  will be held under the theme “Promoting sustainable food systems and climate-smart agriculture for inclusive trade and wealth creation,” and  will feature crop demonstrations, livestock displays, machinery exhibitions, and business-to-business meetings.“As EAGC continues to facilitate grain trade in the region, we are committed to working with the government to open regional markets for Uganda’s exports. Strengthening the food systems in Uganda is essential for achieving sustenance quickly,” Masila said.“The expo therefore seeks to promote sustainable food systems and climate-smart agriculture, bringing together stakeholders from agribusiness, finance, and manufacturing sectors.”Masindi LC5 chairperson, Cosmos Byaruhanga said the expo is yet another opportunity to shine light on agribusiness in his area.“As an agricultural district that thrives on food and livestock production and being the largest maize producing district in the country producing approximately 21,000 metric tons annually, this event is a significant opportunity for us,” he said.He said the expo is an opportunity for farmers and stakeholders to discuss how to strengthen food systems and accessing markets for products.Emmanuel Asiimwe, the country director of the East African Grain Council, said the expo has this year been expanded.“This year, we have expanded our reach by attracting farmers from regions such as the Bunyoro-Kitara subregion, West Nile, Teso, Acholi, and Lango subregion. We aim to improve the food systems and ensure greater productivity and sustainability across these regions.”

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