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Pastor Vicelo Vicent Mpiima Talks Tough on Corruption: A Call to Action for Spiritual Leaders


Corruption has deeply embedded itself into the fabric of our society, perpetuating poverty, inequality, and injustice. As a nation, Uganda has suffered immensely due to corrupt practices, which have eroded public trust, crippled economic progress, and exacerbated social disparities. Amidst this dire scenario, Pastor Vicelo Vicent Mpiima, a prominent spiritual leader and human rights activist, has stepped forward to rally the faith community against this pervasive issue.

A Spiritual and Moral Crisis

“Corruption is not only a moral issue but also a spiritual one,” asserts Pastor Vicelo. “It undermines the dignity of humanity created in God’s image.” As a senior pastor at Ethereal Sanctuary Altar Ministries and the LC1 chairperson of Railway Zone Wabigalo in the Makindye Division, Pastor Vicelo’s influence extends beyond his congregation to the broader community.

Born on December 4, 1997, at St. Francis Naggalama Hospital in Mukono to Mr. Sitenda Kambwa and Mrs. Mbabazi Rahmah, Pastor Vicelo’s journey is deeply rooted in the values of integrity and justice. Growing up in Wabigalo, Namuwongo in Kampala district, he attended Wabigalo Primary School and Ebenezer Secondary Schools before graduating from Core Technical and Business Institute with a diploma in mass communication and journalism.

Leadership and Activism

As a spiritual leader and businessman, Pastor Vicelo wears many hats. He is a father to both spiritual and biological children and a dedicated human rights activist affiliated with the National Unity Platform. His commitment to advocating for justice is unwavering, and he believes that the Church has a prophetic role to play in speaking truth to power.

“We, as spiritual leaders, have a crucial role in the fight against corruption,” Pastor Vicelo emphasizes. “Our influence and guidance can galvanize our communities to stand against this menace.”

A Call to Action

In a powerful call to action, Pastor Vicelo urges Ugandans to join him in a peaceful march against corruption. “By joining us in this peaceful march, you will be adding your voice to the growing chorus of Ugandans who refuse to tolerate corruption any longer,” he declares. “Your participation will send a powerful message to our leaders that the faith community will no longer condone corruption.”

Pastor Vicelo believes that solidarity from the faith community can serve as a beacon of hope for many and amplify the message that corruption will not be tolerated. “Together, we can make a difference and create a society free from corruption. Let us unite in this noble cause, and may God bless our efforts.”

The Role of the Church

The Church, according to Pastor Vicelo, has a prophetic role in advocating for justice. By speaking truth to power and standing up against corruption, the Church can help restore integrity and righteousness in society. Pastor Vicelo’s leadership in this cause is a testament to his dedication to uplifting his community and nation.

As Uganda grapples with the challenges posed by corruption, leaders like Pastor Vicelo Vicent Mpiima are crucial in steering the nation towards a path of justice and integrity. His call to action is a reminder that the fight against corruption requires collective effort, and the faith community has a vital role to play in this struggle.

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