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Police Brutality Leaves Journalist Lemisa Moses in Coma: UJA Demands Justice


In a harrowing incident of police brutality, journalist Lemisa Moses, a senior member of Bukedde Paper – Vision Group, was reportedly tortured into a coma by two police officers at Kapapaali Mulago Police post. Uganda Journalists Association (UJA), represented by spokesperson Kabuye Ronald, has condemned the egregious assault and outlined their course of action.

According to Kabuye’s statement, Moses was viciously apprehended by police during an eviction operation while pursuing a story in the area. Despite identifying himself, he was charged with criminal trespass and violently pushed to the ground, sustaining severe injuries to his head and body. The officers confiscated his equipment, including his camera, phone, and identification card, and extorted money from him before throwing him into a cell, where he lost consciousness.

The lack of care from the police exacerbated Moses’ condition until other detainees demanded he receive medical attention. This callous disregard for his well-being underscores the blatant disregard for both the law and basic human rights by those sworn to uphold them.

UJA has called upon the Inspector General of Police to investigate the officers responsible and take disciplinary action within one week. They demand an apology, compensation for damaged property, coverage of medical expenses, and the return of stolen money for Moses. Failure to address these demands will prompt further action from the association, including potential demonstrations and legal recourse.

The assault on Lemisa Moses is not just an individual transgression but a chilling assault on press freedom. UJA’s stance signals a firm commitment to combating impunity and safeguarding the rights of journalists in Uganda.

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