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President Museveni and First Lady Participate in National Census


As the National Population and Housing Census 2024 commenced, President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni and First Lady, Maama Janet Museveni, took part in the census process by answering questions about their household before being counted.

The enumeration exercise was overseen by the Executive Director/National Census Commissioner of the Uganda Bureau of Statistics, Dr. Chris Ndatira Mukiza, at State Lodge, Nakasero.

President Museveni and the First Lady were enumerated at 12:30 pm by Dr. Vincent Fred Ssenono, Head of Department for Demography and Social Statistics at UBOS. Following the enumeration, President Museveni commended Dr. Mukiza and his team for conducting what he described as a ‘comprehensive exercise,’ emphasizing the importance of the detailed questions being asked.

“I congratulate Dr. Mukiza and his team. If this is the standard being upheld across the board, it is commendable,” he remarked. “The questions were thorough, geared towards obtaining data crucial for effective planning.”

Encouraging cooperation from the public, President Museveni emphasized the significance of the census in informing future planning initiatives. He urged those hesitant to participate to reconsider, highlighting the vital role of census data in addressing societal needs.

“I urge everyone to cooperate with the enumeration team. Any resistance hampers our collective efforts. This data is instrumental in formulating solutions to societal challenges,” he underscored.

The 2024 census, the first to be technologically driven (Digital Census), aims to provide an accurate snapshot of Uganda’s total population on census night. Dr. Mukiza highlighted that the census will also serve to identify beneficiaries of various government programs, including the Parish Development Model (PDM) funds, Emyooga, and support for persons with disabilities.

Furthermore, this census will generate day population figures for eleven major cities, including Kampala, Mbarara, Fort Portal, Jinja, and Mbale. Dr. Ssenono emphasized the importance of the exercise in identifying populations engaged in subsistence economies, addressing youth unemployment, and catering to the needs of persons with disabilities.

The National census, which commenced today, is scheduled to conclude on May 19, 2024.

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President Museveni and First Lady Participate in National Census

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