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President Museveni Engages With Former Botswana President H.E. Khama and Space for Giants Delegation


President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni hosted a meeting with former President of Botswana, H.E. Ian Khama, at State House Entebbe on Wednesday.

Accompanying H.E. Khama was a delegation from the global NGO, Space for Giants, led by its founder and CEO, Dr. Max Graham.

Space for Giants, an organization dedicated to the conservation of natural resources and wildlife across nine African countries, including Uganda, Kenya, Gabon, Mozambique, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Namibia, and Angola, operates from its headquarters in Nanyuki, Kenya, with additional operations in the UK and USA.

During the meeting, H.E. Khama briefed President Museveni on the organization’s vital role in preserving natural resources and wildlife, emphasizing its capacity to deliver social and economic benefits to local communities and national governments.

“As a conservationist, my primary aim is to safeguard nature. This organization, with its own funding, actively engages communities in protecting our precious fauna and flora,” remarked Khama.

Dr. Max Graham and Mr. Justus Karuhanga, the Country Director for Uganda, outlined their ambitious plans for conservation efforts in Uganda, particularly in the Karamoja sub-region, highlighting areas such as Pian-Upe.

“We are committed to involving local communities in the conservation of natural resources and wildlife, particularly in areas like Pian-Upe,” pledged Dr. Graham.

He also mentioned their intention to launch a Carbon trade project in the region, with profits benefiting the government, local communities, and the organization.

President Museveni, accompanied by his daughter, Ms. Diana Museveni Kyaremera, warmly welcomed H.E. Khama and the Space for Giants delegation to Uganda.

As a staunch advocate for wildlife and the environment, President Museveni urged Space for Giants to prioritize the conservation of wetlands, highlighting the issue of encroachment by rice farmers.

“As a conservationist, I urge you to focus on wetland conservation. The practice of rice cultivation in wetlands, introduced post-Independence, needs to be addressed. The government aims to transition those involved to alternative livelihoods, particularly fish farming at the periphery of wetlands,” emphasized the President.

President Museveni expressed satisfaction with Space for Giants’ interest in areas like Pian-Upe in the Karamoja sub-region, which have suffered degradation due to overgrazing and charcoal burning.

The meeting was also attended by Minister of Finance, Planning and Economic Development, Hon. Matia Kasaija, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Water and Environment, Dr. Alfred Okot, Commissioner of Climate Change in the Ministry of Water and Environment, Ms. Margaret Athieno, and Special Presidential Assistant on Tourism, Ms. Priscilla Butagira.

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President Museveni Engages With Former Botswana President H.E. Khama and Space for Giants Delegation

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