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Soldiers Warned Against Negligence – Plus News


The Deputy Commander of the Land Forces, Maj. Gen. Francis Takirwa has challenged soldiers to refrain from negligent tendencies that can easily be manipulated by enemy forces. 

Takirwa was speaking at the graduation of 614 instructors, who underwent a eight months’ leadership training course at the Non-commissioned Officers’ Academy-NCOA on Thursday in Jinja City. 

The instructors from different units within UPDF have been re-tooled in Military law, political education, methods of instruction, skills at arms, map use,  foot training, and physical education, among others. 

They also acquired tactical gun skills in dynamic shooting, selective shooting, VIP protection, and shooting at moving enemies and static enemy forces respectively.

Takirwa said that enemy forces normally use weaknesses of negligence to the force’s capabilities to strike back and soldiers ought to be constantly abreast with these skills to be able to trample over their contenders at all times.

He noted that UPDF has over time improved the teaching methods and human resource development, therefore, beneficiaries of the training ought to better their skills as a form of self-care daily since no one can predict the time when the enemy forces will strike.

Brig. Alex Olupot, the Joint Chief of Staff for Training and Doctrine hailed NCOA for shaping quality leadership capabilities among the troops, which is demonstrated in their performance within their respective units after completing training sessions at different levels.

Olupot insists that soldiers have continued to exhibit tactical skills necessary for the successful execution of any military operation and their abilities can be easily seen through deployments within the force’s units.

Meanwhile, the commandant of NCOA, Col. Saad Katemba challenged user units to always authorize their troops for mentorship and retooling opportunities whenever called upon, as a means of enabling individual officers to excel in their military careers.

Katemba further raised the challenge of limited training space and infrastructure, which affects the students’ enrollment numbers at NCOA. “Other schools have been established in Gaddafi barracks overtime, warranting us to share the existing facilities, which has over reduced training space and dormitory infrastructure for the students enrolled at NCOA,” he says.

Katemba suggested that the force’s leadership should look for new space to foster NCOA’s expansion to accommodate standard training grounds and standard infrastructure.


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Soldiers Warned Against Negligence

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