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Speaker Among welcomes new Japanese envoy


Speaker Anita Among has met the new Japanese Ambassador to Uganda,  Sasayama Takuya and top on the agenda was deepening bilateral cooperation with focus on technology and infrastructure.Among applauded the Japanese for the nearly 62 years of development cooperation which she said has brought tangible dividends and improved livelihoods.“The friendship and partnership of the Japanese people is visible in projects to support our infrastructural development, such as the magnificent Nile Bridge and many other road projects,” she said.She added: “In the years ahead, we hope to build upon those areas of mutual cooperation and support each other in trade, technological exchange and education to help skill our young population and prepare them for a competitive future”.In a recent motion, Parliament applauded the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) for its contribution in health, education and infrastructure support to Uganda.Ambassador Sasayama pledged to continue with deepening the bilateral cooperation, and also link the Upper and Lower Chambers of the Japanese Parliament with Parliament of Uganda.“I thank you for the friendship of your Parliament which you have extended to my predecessor and for the motion to recognise the Japan International Cooperation Agency,” he said.The Japan – Uganda cooperation, said Ambassador Sasayama, will build upon the previous focus on refugee support, infrastructure, agriculture and education, with laser focus on technology and skilling the youth.“We recognise Uganda as a hub of this region historically and into the future; my government would like to invest in the future generation [youth],” he said.Speaker Among interested the Japanese in the reconstruction of the waning Karuma Bridge, which in recent days was closed for rehabilitative works.“I hope that building upon the cooperation we had on the Nile Bridge, we also look forward to working together on other grand infrastructure projects such as the Karuma Bridge which is also due for an overhaul,” she said.

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