The family of the late Joseph Francis Olokojo, a retired headmaster from Tororo District, is deeply disappointed after murder charges against suspects in his brutal killing...
Although Halloween is in the rearview mirror, Christmas remains more than a month away. However, the best family movies on Netflix can bridge the gap into...
Professor Badru Kateregga, founder of Kampala University is at the center of a dark family controversy. His daughter, Sharifah Nandawula, recently took to the airwaves on...
Pte Herbertson Birivumbuka, a UPDF soldier attached to the Special Forces Command has confessed to killing the Mayuge family of five due to revenge has been...
Changes Coming To Family Sponsorship in 2025 (and Beyond)
My name is Nelson Makonda, and I am a resident of Kisumu County. The journey I have been on to help my daughter succeed in school...
The Uganda Police Force has today handed over 11 bodies of victims from the Kigogwa fire accident to their families at Mulago City Mortuary. The Right....
By Sekaggya Seka Moses Mubende, Uganda – In a heartwarming display of community spirit, Nva Mubende Family, a philanthropic group born out of the annual Nva...
By URN High Court Judge Boniface Wamala of the Civil Division has awarded the family of a maid who died in Saudi Arabia in 2019, sh...
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