In the bustling town of Jinja, Uganda, life had always been a mix of rides and resilience for John, a seasoned boda-boda rider. Despite his friendly...
I had heard countless stories of people using traditional spells and charms to achieve success or to fight misfortunes in their businesses. Yet, for the longest...
Life in Jinja Town was typically peaceful. Known for its stunning landscapes and the mighty River Nile, it was a place where I had built a...
I never thought my life could take such a terrifying turn. My name is Monica Namalwa, and I live in Jinja, Uganda. I’m 28 years old,...
Popular cartoonist Dr. Jimmy Spire Ssentongo, has called upon Ugandans to uphold humility in everything they do. This comment was in a tweet when he revealed...
The National Rugby 7s Series 2024 will make a pivotal stop in Eastern Uganda as Walukuba Barbarians prepare to host the fifth circuit at Bugembe Stadium...
JINJA – The government through the ministry of Tourism, Wildlife and Antiquities has donated two high-powered motor vehicles to the Uganda Hotel and Tourism Training Institute...
Arriving at Kinzi Apartments in Jinja, I am immediately struck by the serene ambiance and lush greenery. The property is nestled in a quiet neighborhood, yet...
Jinja Senior Secondary School started the defence of the 2024 Boys’ Schools Cricket Week title with two comfortable victories following their wins against St. Joseph College,...
Leading gaming brand betPawa has stepped up to support the mental health unit at Jinja Referral Hospital by donating essential equipment to improve patient care. This...