In a heartwarming ceremony held at the Counter Terrorism Headquarters in Naguru, four dedicated officers of the Uganda Police Force were honored for their years of...
The Inspector General of Police Abas Byakagaba has recognized the exceptional professionalism and patriotic spirit of two traffic officers, whose heroic acts have been making waves...
Kenya is set to send an extra 600 police officers to Haiti by early November as part of a UN-backed mission aimed at curbing rampant gang...
Francis Zaake, a Member of Parliament and prominent opposition figure in Uganda, has expressed gratitude for the recent sanctions imposed by the United States on four...
Ugandan opposition leader and National Unity Platform (NUP) president, Bobi Wine, has expressed his delight over the United States’ decision to impose sanctions on four senior...
The US government on Wednesday announced it had issued sanctions against four senior police officers over human rights violations.The US sanctioned Bob Kagarura, the former Wamala...
Bob Kagarura (left) and Elly Womanya (right) Kampala October 2–The United States of America has imposed sanctions on four senior Uganda Police Force commanders over alleged...
The United State government has sanctioned four senior officials of the Uganda Police Force (UPF) over their alleged involvement in human rights abuses.The announcement was made...
By Sekaggya Seka Moses The US Department of State has designated four members of the Uganda Police Force (UPF) for their involvement in gross human rights...
The United States announced on Wednesday the imposition of sanctions on four senior officers of the Uganda Police Force, citing their involvement in gross human rights...