In Bugiri, there lives a young man who has defied conventional expectations and achieved a lifestyle many can only dream of. Mike Kalulu, barely three years...
In the bustling market of Mubende, where competition is fierce and every shilling counts, I have found a secret weapon that has transformed my life and...
My name is John Mark Okelo, and my life took an unexpected turn one fateful day in Jinja Town, Uganda. What started as a clandestine outing...
My name is Jane Wakhungu, and I am from Jinja Town in Uganda. Life in Jinja has always been a blend of serene moments and bustling...
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The Saga surrounding hip hop mogul Diddy continues to unravel as another individual steps forward with damning allegations Tanika Ray a former backup dancer for Diddy...
Everybody is talking about Donald Glover’s new series Mr and Mrs Smith the entire series dropped on Prime video last week to rave reviews from critics...
Sug Knight claims that Diddy’s former Uptown records boss the late Andre harell was in a secret affair with Russell Simmons on a new episode of...