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UPDF offices are not permanent says Gen Muhoozi as Elwelu, Kyanda hand over


The Chief of Defence Forces, Gen Muhoozi Kainerugaba has told UPDF officers that army offices are not permanent and that everyone is liable to be redeployed.Speaking during the handover of offices by Gen Peter Elwelu and Gen Leopold Kyanda as deputy Chief of Defence Forces and Chief of Joint Staff respectively, on Thursday, the CDF said that tour of duty is for everyone to heighten operational efficiency.“These offices are not permanent and they are for everyone to pass through when building a professional force. Tour of duty is for everyone,” he said.Gen Muhoozi Kainerugaba also  implored all troops to often leave a positive and indelible impact at all their respective services, units and formations.He mentioned that the above act manifests the peaceful culture of a professional military like UPDF.“Do the best you can with the knowledge and perspective you have to leave an indelible and positive impact on the force.”Gen Muhoozi Kainerugaba further urged troops to maintain the spirit of “togetherness, brotherhood and sisterhood” and to continue building the UPDF that’s loved and cherished by all.He also expressed happiness at the appointing authority and Commander in Chief of the UPDF Gen Yoweri Kaguta Museveni for selecting the right people to occupy the aforementioned offices.He further cautioned the new office bearers to make a bigger impact at their new stations, and thanked the ‘formers’ for a job well done.Lt Gen Peter Elwelu expressed his heartfelt appreciation to the President and Commander in Chief of UPDF Gen Museveni for the trust bestowed upon him when he served as Deputy army chief, saying it was a great challenge as a soldier and leader at all levels of command and control.He pledged to continue serving his country in another capacity as Special Presidential Advisor, and commended the Ministry of Defence and UPDF fraternity for all the support in the last 38 years.Gen Elwelu  however, highlighted the fastening of court procedures for the military and the need to continuously improve the welfare of soldiers, noting that “when people are retiring they should be happy with the package on the table”.In his acceptance remarks, the new deputy CDF Lt Gen Sam Okiding lauded the outgoing for what he has done, adding that whatever happens in the world happens at the right time, is Godly commanded and chosen.He said his appointment is unique since he once deputized the current CDF at the Land Forces (Bombo).He pledged to serve at his best and promised to work with others, emphasizing that “If you want to reach far, then walk with others”.At the same ceremony, the outgoing Chief of Joint Staff Maj Gen Leopold Kyanda applauded the privilege he had working with MODVA, adding that UPDF is now transitioning to the new establishment.He, however, called for  the need for the establishment of a service doctrine, budget rationalization, decentralization of services, and engaging the force in income generating activities, among others; to enable the force meet its constitutional mandate of protecting Uganda’s territorial integrity.Gen Kyanda also cautioned his successor to uphold onto the notion of improving a soldiers’ welfare as priority number one.He noted that whatever command and control method he executed during his reign was for the good of UPDF soldiers.Maj Gen Jack Bakasumba the incoming CJS, appealed for all the support to fulfill the forces’ desired intent.“l reaffirm my commitment to serve to the expectations of the mighty UPDF,” he alluded.He promised to fight against indiscipline and pledged zero tolerance on corruption as guided by the building of a strong force based on ideological clarity.

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