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What You Need To Know About Pallaso’s New Buganda Sir Tittle


Foreign [Laughter] okay foreign debate about the whole of last week yeah of rutalu and Palazzo who is better the sabotage is that debate is not answered listen any debate any about productivity talk um Kampala is Palace foreign foreign foreign foreign Foreign foreign Midday so um Uh um so in 2013 um Only foreign So basically HD boxes foreign Foreign So uh foreign Foreign foreign [Applause] [Laughter] um Foreign and in attachment yeah um [Laughter] foreign foreign foreign [Laughter] [Laughter] the palace so I’m setting no difference both uh uh um first subscribe um foreign together Foreign Yes um foreign Are you um successful okay um foreign um foreign foreign personal Google foreign Guava is you know um foreign foreign foreign Daddy Monty They are just simple um [Laughter] hey yes foreign foreign Foreign um Joe um respected yes um foreign president United States foreign foreign foreign Hmm president yes Goa it is foreign foreign yamba is yes they move Buddhism recognition recognition um um We now we have a way to Neighborhood but it is social services near you one of the best kinetic Energies Meditation foreign Foreign foreign foreign Foreign foreign [Laughter] laughs okay foreign [Applause] [Laughter] recognition Um Foreign I know foreign I know you know forever forever 10 years foreign Foreign Representative foreign He has not been of your Navy Team president uh foreign Into it um Revenue Investment s foreign Junkie information [Laughter] come on foreign let’s see um foreign Foreign College self-proclaiming the titles foreign Foreign as a self-proclaimed titles they act as a motivation or a drive eh it’s pushing or months uh Okay Why the chicken yeah so in the my point in Japanese a proclaimed uh History yeah Prince full job cafe it’s a proclaimed title um it’s a proclaimed title Egypt Prince foreign foreign I’m one of them please to defend those titles Evergreen Um foreign Moving traffic is a debate who is the goat God it is greatest of all right is this a worth debate um mbappe [Laughter] um according to um for this year graduation hmm we’re trying to somala because Foreign The process the levels graduation um Diana over recognition yes to congratulating kids um congratulations foreign Foreign Foreign not yet and we say that we seeing God does P1 but you wouldn’t yes the whole of last week yeah of rutado and Palazzo who is better that debate is not answered foreign foreign debate any about productivity yes it’s again um productivity a single song about the exceptional

Yes sir let’s check it into productivity is consistency time time and efficiency your efficiency totally productive listen so even to every singer is talk thank you foreign [Applause] [Laughter] um but it’s a theory of needs um Achi yes and the theory of needs it’s the question that needs that right the motivation what keeps people want to attain what they want to attend um recognition It’s a fourth needs um the physiological needs love and belonging enough and your protection safety needs um Foreign Of course changes foreign foreign [Laughter] [Laughter] [Applause] foreign thank you Palazzo original Broadway um foreign kawaka singing this is an informative music what are your informative music while you’re entertaining music civil hmm OS all right foreign Foreign [Laughter] foreign Foreign Thank you foreign thank you Um Manual foreign foreign hmm again Metro Okay against it uh um Foreign thank you

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