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Brace for three months of dry spell- weatherman warns


The Uganda National Meteorological Authority has warned that the next three months up to August will be a dry spell throughout the country.In the weather forecast for the next three month, UNMA said the three months will generally be dry the southern sector of the country, especially parts of the southwestern, central, Lake Victoria basin, and parts of the eastern region.This period will be marking the end of the first rainfall season and a harvesting period for seasonal crops for most parts of the country.“South Western Highlands (Kabale, Kisoro, Rukungiri, Kanungu, Rukiga, Rubanda, Bushenyi, Rubirizi, Mitooma, Buhweju, Sheema, Rwampara districts) region has been experiencing dry conditions which are expected to continue up to around mid-August. Thereafter, isolated showers are likely to set in until the end of the season. Overall, dry conditions (suppressed rainfall) are likely to prevail during the forecast period,” the weatherman said.The forecast shows that  this will be the same situation for  South Western lowlands which includes the districts of Ntungamo, Isingiro, Mbarara, Ibanda, Kiruhura and Kazo districts.“The current dry conditions being experienced in this region are expected to continue up to around early-August when isolated light rains are expected to set in and continue up to the end of the season. Overall, dry conditions (suppressed rainfall) are expected to prevail over most parts of the region.”The weatherman says the  Rwenzori sub region which includes the districts of Kasese, Bundibugyo, Ntoroko, Kabarole and Bunyangabu has been experiencinga blend of wet (mountainous areas) and dry (low- lying areas) conditions will continue with the same until mid-June.“Thereafter, dry conditions are likely to persist up to late-July when isolated light rains are expected to set in until the end of the season.”The forecast shows that central parts of western Uganda in the districts of Masindi, Buliisa, Hoima, Kikuube, Kakumiro Kyenjojo, Kyegegwa, Kamwenge, Kitagwenda, Kagadi and Kibaale which is currently experiencing  dry conditions punctuated by isolated showers will see the same situation continue.“ Dry conditions are expected to persist up to late-July when light rainfall is likely to set in up to the end of the forecast period. Overall, near normal (near average) with slight tendency to below normal (Suppressed) rainfall is expected over most parts of the region.” CentralThe weatherman says  Western areas of Central region in the districts of Nakasongola, Luwero, Kyankwanzi, Kakumiro, Kasanda, Nakaseke, Kiboga, Mubende, Sembabule, Lyantonde, and Rakai  which have been  experiencing isolated showers coupled with dry spells will see this persist until early June.“ Thereafter, dry conditions are expected to prevail until early July when occasional rainfall is likely to set in up to the end of the season. Overall, there are high chances of near normal (near average) rainfall conditions over most parts of the region.”For areas of  Kalangala, Kampala, Wakiso, Masaka, Kyotera, Lwengo, Mpigi, Butambala, Kalungu, Bukomansimbi, Gomba, and Mityana districts which are currently experiencing dry conditions characterized by isolated showers, the situation will continue  up to mid-June .This will be the same for the districts of Mukono, Buikwe, Kayunga and  Buvuma .According to the weatherman, the next three months will see shortage of pasture and water for livestock, water stress for crops and strong winds.

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