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Bwaise’s Swaburah Namuyiga To Transform Lives Through The Tufaayo Project


Bwaise is one of the strangest suburbs situated along the Kampala – Gulu Highway, in Kawempe division south, adjacent to Uganda’s capital Kampala.
Being a slum with most of its residents living a lifestyle worth less than one dollar a day, this has triggered the area councilors Swaburah Namuyiga and Mubiru Hassan K with the help of their friends to introduce the Tufaayo project.
Some of the children fetching water from a dirty stream in Bwaise Slum
They claim that through the Tufaayo Project, they are set to transform lives of the residents of the area by donating the human need necessities like beddings, shoes, clothes, scholastic materials, cash donations and very many more basic needs.
Tufaayo Project has decided to give out to the needy on 21st April, 2024 under the theme Rise to great heights by supporting the people with disabilities in Bwaise. They are calling in whoever has anything to donate to contact them via +256 706807033 or +256 705652940.

Bwaise’s Swaburah Namuyiga To Transform Lives Through The Tufaayo Project

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