Cardi B petitions Google to intercept funds owed to Tasha K cardi B is relentlessly pursuing her almost 4 million dollar judgment that she won against Tasha k she is now petitioning Google to intercept any funds that may be going towards Tasha cardi B wants the court order to have
The funds handed over to her immediately which is unprecedented because of YouTube owned by Google missing person alert a young lady who happens to be the cousin of the speaker was reported missing a few weeks ago anyone in the DMV area DC Baltimore Virginia Maryland is urged to be on the
Lookout and Report any information to the proper authorities Tasha K owes cardi B 9 300 allegedly and cardi is petitioning Google to intercept any funds that may be going towards Tasha if Tasha K had two million dollars sitting in an account cardi B could legally go in and take that money out if
Tasha K’s primary source of income is YouTube she won’t be getting paid as long as it takes to satisfy the judgment this situation is unprecedented and it’s unclear if cardi B is allowed to intercept funds if Tasha K signed up as a business entity Tasha K has spread
Numerous lies and defamation about cardi B in the past resulting in the judgment while some people believe cardi B is Justified in pursuing the funds owed to her others feel she’s going too far this situation serves as an example to anyone who spreads malicious lies about celebrities
If it reaches the desk and begins to affect a particular person or celebrity and they have the revenue and money to go after you it could be anyone’s reality we hope you enjoy the video we’ll be back next week with more NFL draft news we’re looking forward to
Seeing you in the NFL draft we love you all we miss you we will see you next week we are back with a new episode of hip-hop unplugged click here to watch we’d love to hear from you click the like button to follow us on Facebook and Twitter
We would love to see you in our next episode of the NFL draft we’ll be back in the next few weeks with more news from the draft we look forward to hearing from you we want to hear your feedback on our latest episode of the NFL draft
We hope to see your photos and videos we appreciate your feedback we can’t wait to see what you have to say we’ve got a new video coming up we ask you to share it with us we don’t want to miss out on any of your favorite moments from the NFL
We also want to know what you think of the draft so we can share them with the rest of the world we need your feedback and we want you to send us your photos and videos from the game we know you’re watching the draft too we just as much as we do
We have a lot of footage to share with the world and we’re looking for the best players we welcome your feedback we want your input on the draft
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Yesssss. Cardi b get your money 🤑.