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Hoima Secondary Teachers Storm City Offices Over Irregular Salary Payment


A group of government secondary school teachers in Hoima City staged a protest on Monday at the office of the Hoima City Town Clerk, citing delayed and irregular payment of their salaries.

The teachers revealed that they have not received salary payments for periods ranging from four to 12 months, despite repeated reminders to the authorities.

More than 50 teachers gathered at the Hoima City offices, demanding an investigation into the conduct of city officials, particularly City Town Clerk Godfrey Kisekka, whom they accuse of ignoring their concerns.

Beatrace Kyokwasire, a teacher at Bwikya Muslim Secondary School, expressed the challenges they face, mentioning her inability to pay school fees for her children and meet other necessities due to the lack of salary payments for the past three months.

Stephen Bigirwa, head of science teachers in Bunyoro, echoed similar sentiments, stating that their pleas have been disregarded, and he suspects misconduct within the Town Clerk’s office.

Leonard Irumba, a teacher at Duhaga Secondary School, shared his experience of not receiving salary for 12 months despite efforts to address the issue with relevant authorities.

Robert Ssebanyonyi from Bwikya Muslim Secondary School threatened to mobilize all city teachers to strike if salaries are not disbursed promptly.

Charlis Kabiri, the deputy city clerk, declined to address the teachers in the presence of the media, causing further frustration among the protesting teachers.

The teachers resolved to remain at the city offices until they receive satisfactory explanations from city officials.

Hoima City Mayor Brian Kaboyo urged the teachers to remain calm and stay at their duty stations, citing potential causes for salary irregularities, including Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) network failures and budget shortfalls resulting from enhanced payment rates for science teachers.

There are more than 250 teachers across five government secondary schools in Hoima City.


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Hoima Secondary Teachers Storm City Offices Over Irregular Salary Payment

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