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So while Kim Kardashian was out here really being exposed by all her kids yet again proving that she is a bad and irresponsible mom meanwhile Courtney’s husband her step kids and of course her daughter Penelope were out here proving that she’s the best mom in the whole world whose priorities are always about

Her family and all her children plus boarding their cute family you know how recently Courtney came out and revealed her side when it comes to Kim’s exploitative ways towards her children she was very clear that she doesn’t agree with it all and now Mother’s Day has really revealed how

She’s far better than Kim when it comes to Parenting my dear I’ve been seeing a lot of sweet messages when it comes to Courtney my idea she has been receiving a lot of love a lot of people are coming out and forwarding her all the best gifts if I look at her husband

Travis bockham idea he went over and Beyond when it comes to Mother’s Day and if I look at her stepkids if I look at her own children they are coming out and being very very sincere about this woman they are coming out and giving her all the flowers they are coming out and

Really praising her they are coming out and appreciating her and I’m sitting down and I’m like you know what Kim Kardashian is very very Furious right now because her kids came out and really exposed all her main ways they really exposed her and they were like

You know what our mom is only focused about money is only focused about her image and she is not doing enough well as Courtney said things are totally okay and this is where we are going to be discussing all the details welcome back guys to our Channel thank you for everyone that is

Always following us thank you for the endless support we really appreciate each and everyone that takes their time to listen to us every day so so Courtney took it to her Instagram stories and responded to Kim’s kids exposing her exploitative ways she posted a very cute and touching video of her daughter

Penelope surprising her with a very thoughtful setup for mother’s day and this is entirely the point well Courtney is always watching everything end she entirely knows what really happened when it comes to most of kids when it comes to most of Kim’s kids and this is entirely what she has always been coming

Out and fighting for well she took it to her Instagram and she was like oh my God I’m very very happy because I even didn’t expect such a surprise from Penelope she is really coming out and appreciating me Penelope displayed red roses all over the stairs and they were

Leading towards a cute setup with photos of Courtney and all her children displayed on the side this was something heart touching and Courtney caption saying I feel so blessed with the most thoughtful daughter meanwhile her husband Travis Baca also took it to his Instagram and powered endless heartfelt messages

Towards Courtney posting pictures of their joint family and wishing her a happy Mother’s Day Travis also shared some pictures of new with her three kids she shares with X6 called this captioning not a better mama bear thank you Courtney I love our crazy family he’s still proving that Courtney loves

His kids as our own and and what better way to be appreciated and really loved I saw all these messages and I’m like you know what this is a man really coming out and appreciating a woman because my dear it’s not very very easy to find a

Woman who is going to love your kids as her own who is going to embrace them and who is going to welcome them well Travis took it to his Instagram and he was like you know what I really appreciate my wife because first of all she has really loved me and

Secondly she has prioritized our family and thirdly she really loves my kids we know how the Kardashian family really works in Courtney has always been coming out and really working so hard so that she can protect her family from everything from all the rules that her mom is always imposing you know how

Christiana is always coming out and imposing all those rules when it comes to most of her daughters when it comes to their marriages and all my dear Courtney sat down and she was like you know what you are not going to be deciding each and everything when it comes to my

Husband or even my kids I’m going to be really focused about them and I even don’t care about the Kardashian family I’m still Courtney’s step-daughter Alabama Baca also took it to her Instagram and praised Courtney with the most sweetest message you could ever think of she was like happy Mother’s Day

Quote thank you for taking care of me like your own I love you not living out London backer who has always been very vocal about the love and appreciation he has for Courtney he also took it to his Instagram and forwarded God the best Mother’s Day message saying happy

Mother’s Day I love you hope you have a great day don’t forget all these kids didn’t even wish their own mom or even forward her any sweet messages because she’s not part of their lazy she’s so selfish that she has always left all the responsibilities to Travis so now they

Have a mother figure whom they really appreciate so much this is also something I noticed because I waited for a certain message you know towards Shauna but I didn’t say I didn’t see anything and don’t forget that this woman recently came out and shed Courtney towards the

Public she was like you know what even that marriage is uncontracted that is what the Kardashians do my dear Courtney is coming out improving and she’s like you know what I’m not going to be giving attention to people who don’t deserve my attention my kids are coming out with

All the love on Mother’s Day my stepkids are also coming out doing the same plus my husband what more could I ask for and still Courtney also took it to her Instagram and showed the beautiful Mother’s Day dinner setup which Travis had arranged for her and

Her three kids like this is not pretense look at what Courtney is experiencing and look at what Kim is missing out Kim has always been very jealous because Kim has always been very jealous because Courtney has a husband who really appreciate her and and her stepkids really have a very soft spot towards

Courtney Kim has no man to offer such treatment Kanye would have been spoiling her but he ran for his life and he’s now with someone very very bitter and he is in a very very good position my idea these are the very things that Kim Kardashian is very very worried about

Because if I compare Mother’s Day you know how these people were treated if I look at Kim her kids were coming out and really displaying a lot of teher kids are coming out and complaining about a lot of kids while your seven-year-old is coming out and he’s

Like you know what my mom is very very mean I’m always coming out and bearing being very very vocal about it and everything she is always imposing on us well her daughter is also coming out and missing out on all the things that a mother is supposed to do when it comes

To her children well Courtney is coming out and being displayed a lot of love half children are coming out with all the thoughtful surprises when it comes to mother birthday and also her stepkids are also coming out and stepping in and don’t forget during Courtney’s wedding we learned that when London Becca came

Out and gave a certain speech about Courtney praising her praising her and all Kim was also seen shedding each and everything so this is the kind of sister who is not really contained about it and everything Courtney is living right now and my dear Courtney has been very very passionate about life

This is the kind of woman who has been once mistreated by her ex scored this but she was like you know what I’m going to be very very patient I’m not going to be coming out and using certain men for relevance or maybe using them for

Attention no I’m not going to be taking advantage of my husband Travis Parker because he really loves me and I’m not going to be using him just because of my image or maybe just because my mom is instructing me to do well when it comes to Kim

Kardashian this is the kind of woman who has never really taken serious most of her relationships and look at what Courtney is experiencing I know she instituted somewhere she is very very jealous she wishes that she would also experience such things my idea that is

Not the case and if I look at how Courtney is coming out and displaying everything on social media she is very very contented she is living her best life she does not even care if any of her sisters is in misery because he brought each and everything on

Themselves and my dear Courtney is also coming out and she’s like you know what Kim Kardashian sit down focus on your kids because look at what they are coming out with look at what mine are coming out with what do you even think about all that let me say in the comments section

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1 Comment
  1. @kiarawittevrouw6224 says

    Shutttttttt up

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