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MY APPRECIATION – Uganda Police Force


Today, I come before you to bid farewell from the position of the Uganda Police Spokesperson, that I have held for the last 5 years. I am filled with a profound sense of gratitude, pride and humanity. I am leaving the position, as I came; grateful, excited and with a strong sense of national duty. As you are all aware, I am heading to the Directorate of Interpol and International Relations, as a Deputy Director.I must admit that the position of Police Spokesperson, was one of the greatest honors of my life. Above all, I would like to thank the Almighty God, for his protection and guidance, during my tenure. And to further express my debt of gratitude to the Inspector General of Police (IGP) and the Police Leadership, for the invaluable support, advice, great teamwork, confidence and trust that they placed in me. I have nothing but gratitude and look forward to your continuous guidance and support.To all the territorial commanders across all jurisdictions, I thank you for your unwavering commitment to protecting our communities and for upholding the values of integrity, professionalism and compassion. It was truly inspiring. Your collective efforts and support towards the office of the PRO, continues to make a positive impact on the safety and well-being of our citizens. Thank you all for the constant updates on crime and safety.I also want to congratulate the new Police Spokesperson, ACP Rusoke Kituma, I say this as I welcome you; “You are a fire brain and performer, keep doing what you are doing”. I also want to remind you about the immense responsibility ahead. You are taking on a tough task that requires great dedication. Always act with integrity, and treat every member of the public with respect and compassion”.To the officers and staff of the Press and Public Relations, I extend my heartfelt gratitude for your support, trust and loyalty, during my time as the Police Spokesperson. Your resilience and dedication to the mission of Press and Public Relations, made it an honor to lead and serve alongside you. I am confident, that under your new leader, the department will continue to thrive and excel in its mission to protect and serve.To the Fourth Estate (Journalists and Editors), and all Government Communicators (GCOF), thank you for your commitment, hardwork, assurances and the impressive journey we have worked together. We have accomplished many concerns on crime, safety and security. We have learnt from each other beginning with the year 2007, as CID Liaison Officer, then in 2014 – 2016, as the Police Spokesperson, and again from 2019 – June 2024, I thank you all, for the voice and heart that you put in your engagements. As always keep it sincere, professional and beyond approach, while working tirelessly to give accounts to the Public. I am indebted to you all.To the general public, thank you, for your insights, criticisms and feedback that have always been refreshing. Remember, Public safety is everyone’s priority and I urge you all to remain committed, to working with the police in addressing all crime and safety concerns, within your communities.To my family, wife, children, siblings, parents, relatives and friends, I am forever indebted to you and beyond. I thank you for your unwavering love and support throughout the years. Your understanding, patience and encouragement, have been a bedrock of my success and I am forever grateful for your sacrifice.As I conclude, I am filled with pride and gratitude for the opportunity to have served you all as the Police Spokesperson. I will always cherish the memories, friendship and bonds we have formed. May you continue to serve, the office of PRO, with honor courage and dedication.Thank you, and God bless you all.     SCP Enanga FredOutgoing – Police Spokesperson1st July 2024

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