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Pastor who previously declined Covid vaccination arrested for refusing to be counted during census


Police in Mityana have arrested a Pentecostal pastor for refusing to be counted during the ongoing national population and housing census.Pastor Samuel Kalibbala was arrested together with three of his followers including Kitika Joseph, Nakamate Grace and Nabasirye Shamim.According to Wamala Region Police spokesperson, SP Rachael Kawala, the incident occurred on Thursday May, 2024 when an enumerator went to Pastor Kalibbala’s church to perform his duty but only to be obstructed from the lawful exercise.Kawala said the pastor together with his followers told the enumerator they don’t believe in government program of census that they believe in Jesus only.“After refusing to be counted despite the enumerator’s plea and explanation, they then locked themselves inside church premises in protest,” Kawala said.She said the numerator reported the matter to police which arrested the quartet.“ I want to confirm that we arrested the suspects and we are going to charge them for obstructing a lawful government activity.’’She said that the four suspects have since recorded statements and inquiries into the matter are still on going as they are detained at Mityana Central Police Station.Previously, Pastor Kalibbala was arrested by police for refusing to be vaccinated against Coronavirus but was released on police bond.

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