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Police laud officer who rejected shs2m bribe to kill case


Police have lauded one of their own who rejected a shs2 million bribe given to him by suspects to kill a murder case.Police spokesperson, Fred Enanga said on Monday that two suspects who are accused of murder gave shs2 million to the officer in charge of CID at Vura Central Police Station in Arua so he could kill the case.“Annet Ajikia, 28 and Brian Nyakuta, 22 who are residents of Nyio village in Arua district were arrested for attempting to bribe a police officer,” Enanga said.He explained that around December,18, 2023, one Innocent Onzima mobilized fellow clan members and attacked Alijule Alkido, a clan member whom they murdered in cold blood by burning his house and dumped his body pieces in a latrine.Following the incident, the suspects ran to neighbouring Democratic Republic of Congo where they hid until this month.“After realizing that the former OC CID who was actively searching for them had been transferred from Arua, the two suspects decided to come out from their hiding and went back to their village,”Enanga said.He explained that the duo later mobilized shs2 million and attempted to bribe the new OC CID, Jaffer Kalinaki so he could kill the case.Enanga said this happened after the new OC CID had arrested a prime suspect in the case, Innocent Onzima who had mobilized the other relatives to beat Alijule.When the other suspect brought the money, she was also arrested.“We want to warn members of the public that bribing a police officer to destroy a case is punishable by law and must be avoided. Instead, if you want to help a suspect, you can seek the services of a defence lawyer who can help you argue out the case in courts of law.”“We want to applaud the Arua OC CID for taking a stand against bribery. This badge we carry as police officers comes along with enormous responsibility along with the trust it confers and we are happy this officer showed the true character of a police officer. We shall continue relying on such officers who do their work with honesty and integrity.”

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