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President Museveni Advocates for Industrialization, Labels Opponents as Detrimental to Uganda’s Progress


President Yoweri Museveni stressed the critical role of industrialization in Uganda’s development, branding detractors as adversaries to the nation’s advancement.

“Urbanization, particularly through industrialization, is crucial for our nation’s growth, and those opposing it hinder our progress,” President Museveni asserted during his visit to Horyal Investment Holding Company in Gem Pacilo village, Atiak Sub-County, Amuru District.

The company, owned by businesswoman Dr. Amina Hersi Moghe, operates the Atiak Sugar Factory, a venture President Museveni commended as a catalyst for regional development.

Addressing concerns over land disputes related to the factory, President Museveni denounced opportunistic actions aimed at sowing division among the Acholi people. He emphasized the project’s potential to benefit the entire Acholi region and its neighboring areas.

Furthermore, President Museveni lauded Dr. Amina for her initiative and urged leaders, including Members of Parliament, to support such investments for collective prosperity.

During the visit, President Museveni pledged to honor the family of the late John Omaya for their pivotal role in facilitating the establishment of the factory.

Encouraging agricultural diversification, President Museveni advised smallholder farmers to adopt a four-acre model of farming, focusing on crops with national, regional, and international demand.

Ministers Francis Mwebesa and Norbert Mao commended President Museveni’s commitment to industrialization and acknowledged the project’s alignment with his vision for Northern Uganda’s economic revitalization.

Dr. Amina expressed gratitude for the government’s support and affirmed her company’s dedication to collaborating with farmers and securing markets for their produce.

The event, attended by various dignitaries including Ministers Matia Kasaija and Beatrice Akello, underscored the government’s concerted efforts towards economic transformation and community empowerment through industrialization.

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President Museveni Advocates for Industrialization, Labels Opponents as Detrimental to Uganda’s Progress

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