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We do acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 23rd May 2024, UNDER REF NUP/UP/006/2024 on the above captioned subject matter and the alleged illegal obstruction of your activities.We would like to respond as follows; In the letter dated 20th March, 2024 under ref OPS/175/219/01. It was guided that before your planned activities could proceed, you were required to comply with the following guidelines in advance; Avail to the Inspector General of Police, the comprehensive program and schedule of the intended activities detailing; location, dates and time for each activity with the numbers of expected participants and any other information essential for security planning. Proof of permission from owners of venues to be used. Measures for public safety and health in place at each of the venues for meetings. Liaise with the territorial police commanders {RPCs and DPCs) and District Security Committees (DSCs) and harmonize security arrangements for each of the activities to ensure that all the aspects of public order, peace and tranquility are observed. It was further guided that during these activities, you should not hold open rallies, no processions to and from the venues and no demonstrations as well but rather all activities or meetings should be restricted to town halls and other such appropriately enclosed areas. In the same letter, you were reminded about our periodic reviews of the conduct of each of the activities in line with these set guidelines to monitor compliance depending on the prevailing situation. This is therefore to inform you that; Pursuant to the provisions of the Constitution of the Republic of Uganda, 1995 as amended under Articles 211 and 212, police is given the mandate to protect life, property and to preserve law and order in society. This is further emphasized in the Section 4, of the Police Act cap 303 which is to the effect that the police have a duty to ensure public safety and order. Section 32 (1)(b) of the Police Act also provides that police have the power to direct the conduct of assemblies and processions on public roads or streets or at places of public resort and the route by which and the times at which any processions may pass The provisions of section 3 of the Public Order Management Act also provides Police with the power to regulate the conduct of the public, rallies and as you may be aware this section was not annulled by the Constitutional Court. We wish to reiterate that as the Uganda Police force, we are cognizant of the fact that Article 29 of the Constitution recognizes freedom of conscience, movement, assembly and association and also the provisions of Article 45, of the Constitution which clearly states that in enjoyment of these rights and other rights, no person should prejudice the human rights and freedoms of others or the public interest. Therefore, when policing all acts of public order, our actions are backed by the laws and guiding principles indicated above. It is also not true, that NUP is specifically targeted and restricted from mobilizing and organizing itself, but unlike other political parties and pressure groups, that have remained law abiding, the NUP continues  to blatantly breach the police guidelines (see copy of our letter dated September 13th, 2023 under ref OPS/175/219/01).  As indicated in your letter, about the possibility of an engagement with the police leadership, this is to invite you for an interaction on Monday the 27th May 2024 at 10:00am in the Main Board room at police headquarters, Naguru.    Mwesigwa Frank PSC (R)For: INSPECTOR GENERAL OF POLICECopy: Commander KMP: All RPCs

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