Summary: Following a two-day strike that brought Kampala and major towns to a standstill, the conflict between the Uganda Revenue Authority (URA) and traders in Kampala...
Summary: 22 gay rights activists have appealed to Uganda’s Supreme Court regarding the Anti-Homosexuality Act of 2023, disputing the Constitutional Court’s ruling. The Act was mostly...
Summary: Alupe Primary in Uganda closed due to low enrollment; only two students found during inspection. Families relocated after Chinese gold mining; majority enroll children in...
Summary: Ugandan President Gen. Yoweri Kaguta Museveni has rallied leaders and communities in the Acholi Sub-region to support Atiak Sugar Factory, explaining the investment is a...
Summary: Science teachers’ salary increase leads to 30 tutors at Bulera Core PTC in Hoima City going without pay for nine months, sparking plans for a...
Summary: EACOP on Thursday signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Ministry of Water and Environment (MWE) to cooperate on various conservation initiatives in the 10 Districts...
Summary: Somalia’s plan for a new security force, post-African Union peacekeeping mission, faces delays in submission to the UN Security Council. With uncertainty about funding and...
Summary: A Northerner in Uganda has been hospitalized in critical condition at Tokora health center IV after being severely beaten into a coma when he made...
Summary: Companies in Uganda have driven smartphone growth, with over 12 million users by Q4 2022. Infinix’s Note 40 series tackles power issues with 100W fast...
Summary: Uganda’s Young Engineers return to the global robotics stage, securing a spot at the 2024 Vex Robotics World Championship in the USA for the second...