The Makindye Chief Magistrates Court has remanded Julius Mugabi, the Body Guard of musician Patrick Mulwana commonly known as Alien Skin on charges of causing grievous...
A Ugandan security guard’s life has taken an incredible turn after winning over 180 million Ugandan shillings through a wager with Uganda Bettors Association’s fixed games. Obo Denis,...
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In a bizarre turn of events, the usually serene neighborhood of Kasambira own council in Kamuli District was thrown into chaos when a security guard found...
In a bizarre turn of events, a security found himself in a predicament that left him both physically and emotionally scared. The incident unfolded in a...
Andrew Masaba, a security guard in Mbale has waved a ‘huge bye’ to poverty after winning over 100 million from fixed games. According to Andrew, he won...
The Territorial Police in Busoga North and Kamuli CPS, have in custody, a local security guard, identified as Kizito Imulani, aged 40, for the Aggravated Defilement...
Nam Blazers will be confirming the return of guard Jimmy Williams, SportsNation can report with authority. Williams played two games lahst season and averaged an impressive...