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Why are Kenya and Uganda cracking down on LGBTQ rights


Why are Kenya and Uganda cracking down on lgbtq rights a new law passed in Uganda appears to be the first to Outlaw merely identifying as lgbtq a Rights group says Kenya and Uganda are moving to further curtail the rights of lesbian gay bisexual transgender and queer lgbtq people whose relationships are already

Deemed illegal in the conservative East African nations after a session lasting nearly seven hours Ugandan lawmakers approved the anti-homosexuality act on Tuesday ordering harsh penalties for anyone who engages in same-sex activity while more than 30 African countries including Uganda already banned same-sex relationships the new law passed appears

To be the first to Outlaw merely identifying as lgbtq Human Rights Watch said in Kenya a February ruling by the Supreme Court upheld verdicts by lower courts stating that the government could not lawfully refuse to register an organization calling itself the national gay and lesbian Human Rights Commission nglhrc

But President William Ruto and Many religious leaders and political pundits have been condemning the Court’s conclusion that the constitution barred discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation I am a God-fearing man and whatever happened at the court even if we respect the court our culture values Christianity and Islam cannot allow

Women to marry each other or men to marry fellow men local media Outlets Citizen TV reports Ruto as saying supporters in both Nations say the lifestyle of the lgbtq community threatens Traditional Values what are the latest measures if ascended to by Ugandan president yoweri museveni the bill will hand authorities broad

Powers to Target gay ugandans who already face legal discrimination in mob violence it bans promoting and abetting homosexuality as well as conspiracy to engage in homosexuality in addition to same-sex intercourse violations under the law draw severe penalties including death for so-called aggravated homosexuality and life in prison for gay sex aggravated

Homosexuality involves gay sex with people under the age of 18 or when the perpetrator is HIV positive among other categories according to the law same-sex relations are legal in only 22 of Africa’s 54 countries and are punishable by death or lengthy prison terms in some according to a global review by the international

Lesbian gay bisexual trans and intersex Association ilga dot Africa accounts for nearly half of the country’s worldwide where homosexuality is outlawed according to the review in Kenya a Supreme Court ruling that the constitution barred discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation sparked fears among some citizens who opposed the legalization of same-sex

Relationships the registration of the commission was one of two cases concerning lgbtq rights that have been under litigation analysts say the reaction to the February ruling may be an effort to influence the second case which directly challenges the constitutionality of the sections of the penal code Banning sex against the order of nature

Why is this happening Uganda is notorious for strict views on sexuality and intolerance towards homosexuality which is criminalized under colonial era laws but opposition politicians boycotted a speech by museveni on Thursday in which he described gay people as deviations to protest against human rights violations and the illegal imprisonment and forced disappearance of

Their supporters in his speech museveni said Western countries should stop wasting the time of humanity by trying to impose their practices on other people under his rule journalists have been attacked lawyers jailed election monitors prosecuted the internet shut down and opposition leaders muzzled the increasing visibility and assertiveness of sexual minorities have

Also been attributed to the West meanwhile conspiracy theories accusing shadowy International forces of promoting homosexuality are gaining traction on social media in Kenya Archbishop Jackson Ole sapat of the Anglican Church speculated that the alleged spread of homosexuality was a Sinister Ploy by environmentalists to depopulate the globe in an effort to

Address climate change meanwhile during a parliamentary session MP Joshua kimeluk condemned the court decision as violating the law and warned that Kenyan culture can be ruined by the West what was the international reaction the United Nations and the United States on Wednesday called for museveni to reject

What they said was an appalling anti-gay Bill U.N High Commissioner for human rights volcker Turk urged museveni not to promulgate the bill into law the passing of this discriminatory Bill probably among the worst of its kind in the world is a deeply troubling to development he said in a statement

If signed into law by the president it will render lesbian gay and bisexual people in Uganda criminals simply for existing for being who they are it could provide carte blanche for the systematic violation of nearly all of their human rights and serve to incite people against each other

U.S Secretary of State Anthony blinken said the legislation would undermine fundamental human rights of all ugandans and could reverse gains in the fight against HIV AIDS and urged Uganda to reconsider the implementation of the bill the United Kingdom’s special Envoy on lgbtq rights Nicholas Herbert said that while many countries including a

Number on the African continent are moving towards decriminalization this is a deeply troubling step in the opposite direction amnesty International also appealed to museveni to reject the appalling legislation describing it as a grave assault on lgbtq people this ambiguous vaguely worded law even criminalists is those who promote homosexuality

Said amnesty’s East and Southern Africa director tigara haguda what’s next critics say the latest developments are likely telltale signs of a continuing Witch Hunt in recent weeks Ugandan authorities have cracked down on lgbtq people after religious leaders and politicians alleged students were being recruited into homosexuality in schools this month

Ugandan authorities arrested a secondary school teacher in the eastern district of Jinja over accusations of grooming of young girls into unnatural sex practices she was subsequently charged with gross indecency and is in prison awaiting trial on Friday a day after museveni’s speech Ugandan police said they had arrested six men for practicing

Homosexuality the police said on Monday they had arrested six people accused of running a network that was actively involved in the grooming of young boys into acts of sodomy Kenya’s Ministry of Education announced that it would be deploying chaplains to schools to prevent infiltration by lgbtq people

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  1. @martinwallace9169 says


  2. @benwalid6702 says

    All africans share the same opinion about these crazy…..

  3. @kurizukor5070 says

    they want all people bow to the devil banner

  4. @Spikejwh1 says

    I suppose they are still normal people…

  5. @maxyl12 says

    The best move the government have ever done. Keep it up. ❤

  6. @meneeraardappel5284 says

    Good job… f*ck the retarded! I WILL RESPECT THEYS NATIONS AND SHUT THE F*CK UP

  7. @spainwithoutdas3611 says


  8. @calebleung9 says

    they know it's a slippery slope to drag queen story hours, sex change for minors and child grooming in general. They're not taking chances. Who can blame them.

  9. @PiracyMan says

    Africa bros cant stop winning! Keep it up my niggas

  10. @oysterman250 says

    Respect other nations' sovereignty and their right to establish their own laws. Western values do not necessarily suit ALL countries. Get over it!

  11. @inspirednaija7204 says

    The West forced their hands…
    There have always been gays in Africa but the LGBT community has come to be a treat to the African way of life.

    Congrats to the Radical LGBTQ, you made this happen.

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