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Why I Left The USA and Moved To Uganda – Singer Shakira Shakira


[Laughter] murray how are you long time long time long time long time now i know you’re now already busy i’m busy um i think one of my first times okulabako There is growth new things every time new people um shakira yo almost industries building organic usc uganda let’s talk about music music inspirational music attending america uganda no when i was a child okay until now they’re my inspiration so especially entertainment like entertaining people getting on stage whatever you’re doing knows you need

Around to your natural color entertaining inspiring was uh your family okay with that yeah because every school day nagina monogamy yeah so i perform on stage and people are happy so meaning uganda partially passion then an international artist because i just started getting serious with music

Before i had school i had so much going on that’s teaching kids took any better serious like this because when you’re passionate about something you really want to see that especially if you have other things going on like school you know being a mother as well so listening is serious and

The future has more plans who introduce you to the ugandan music industry um how was the field because i think palace okay it was very very good but also challenging you’re not used to the pressure you’re not used to everyone calling you so you have to get used to that as well

But then eventually if you you’re used to that it’s not easy they don’t like everyone is minding their own business their own lane they won’t come better is you live indoors black market never And then because we’re friends before we happen to go to the studio to call us something but still a skinny corner like that yeah it’s recently like a year ago okay um joining a black market actually they reached out to me okay i had a song called called me

And there was a lot of potential they were finding an interest so they looked for me we met they took it up into the engine and the journey started why did you leave i didn’t leave um they do publishing and marketing like any attachment to anybody else yeah i i didn’t replace anybody

I think i don’t get that each other to me that’s really charcoal right yeah okay maori not even that like she’s still working like i am but i think people should focus on her music than who she’s with or who she’s dating or why anybody i just focus on musicians

Music because it’s not easy to penetrate this industry it’s not easy to put out your music like life i respect every organization how does it feel to work with jeff yet very scared you know it’s okay he’s aggressive he’s uh he’s a go-getter he knows what he wants so

There’s really nothing scary what vocal at the moment you shouldn’t be scared of them because then you won’t work very many um backward analysis is jeff chu whining out because jeff chu agave money yeah takuki is a criticism is it part of the plan is this is this green releasing

Generations change and music grows music changes you can’t have the same sound all the time you know people get fed up people They’re going international as well you know so music changes musical where that is it’s just a bigger plant it’s not just music yeah you should look way beyond the shell jordan i’m the kind of person that’s getting a comfortable no i think you’ve already done

I want growth and i want to see i want to i want to experience new things are you signed to to tns i’m not saying to anyone you’re not signing to anyone hey you know it is it’s just a friendship relationship and work and work relationship actually yeah so limbaugh

And then i listened to them and that that was my pick when the team listened with We’re hearing new names tell about growth yeah don’t get too comfortable in that same sound don’t worry man what you call when you but you don’t they get tired of it so you have new kids on the block that are eating it okay what is that something that has ever

Happened to you and you cast the reason why you’re in the music industry i think disrespect disrespect people putting a price on your body for me that’s very disrespectful yeah um has anyone ever come to you naga monty um you know being a female musician i think my fellow female musicians know this

That’s the biggest challenge so you really have to have self-discipline you know anger you don’t let such disrespect get into your platform you know you need to put a value on yourself regardless of how desperate you are of how much money you’re looking for shigeru press is not going to respect shinger sentences

Yeah then [Laughter] www have you tried it look out for the new hubble products on the market it’s also free no need room around visit are you healing with ulcers high blood pressure diabetes fibroids low sperm count skin irritation do you want to gain weight or lose weight do you need spiritual healing to our dear ladies there is a full package for bedroom teasing and accessories visit www for deliveries call zero seven four one

Seven two four eight one eight one all zero seven seven three zero nine forty four ninety seven talk to the expert like you know to cause it to tear mm-hmm yeah i’ll just look at you and be like oh wow like cavallo and just looking

Good and that’s it oh you look so good you smell so good that’s where you’ll get io you know there’s nothing wrong with that when i’ll give you a hug i’m a big fan of you that’s totally fine maybe maybe you’re okay oh it’s sucker okay so how how do you handle it

I’m a very quiet person so i usually just stay quiet I’m just going to be quiet um you said you’re a mother yeah are you more humble no but i’m a mother i’m not married to about [Applause] i’m just not married yet okay are you seeing someone are you right no i’m not no but you’re nothing right but ninom

Child exactly same thing with me oh you know mommy yeah but i’m not right [Laughter] I’m usually in the house maybe walk out with you but i have a lot of friends so you’re joining music we don’t deceive your guarantee i mean i’m proud of of this because in the mondong i’m proud of my progress and i’m proud of my fan base like sharks

And i’m proud of you guys and i don’t know if it wasn’t for music you never know who you meet you never know who you may need movies so yeah i’m grateful for that as [Laughter] Your mother and father jewelry your sister’s your how many sisters and brothers on my dad’s side to the bank my mother’s mom’s side to the basket um your fanbase yes walker not so yeah my mom my family yes family us okay my dad is here she come together one so much uganda

Yeah i want to thank my mom mostly mommy thank you so much for loving me and being there for me and believing in me and just making me happy my mom and then next i’ll thank the man in my life thank you so much for being there and then i’ll thank my fandues

I love you guys and the media people that are you know standing with shakira i was indica shakir as a brand i wanna thank you as well my team chris pro um mayweather zach and everyone that believes in what i’m doing i want to say thank you to all of you

Guys and macia thank you so much for what you’re doing and tns guys thank you so much okay um you left u.s i don’t leave you with it is so funny someone leaves the um thank you so much i have i had shakira on the set and keep sharing this video yeah

Your number You

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  1. @hamidanaluja84 says

    Nice thank you for bringing Shakira a.k.a Omusawo tukwagala nyo nyo

  2. @mukigatv says

    Gwasinga Nnyo Omuzungu oyo Shakira mwagade.

  3. @lydiakalungi9308 says

    Our Shakira shakira gwe aliko

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