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Minister Lauds Presidential Skilling Initiative for Transforming Ugandan Youth


The Minister of State for Gender and Culture, Hon. Dr. Peace Mutuuzo, has praised the Presidential Initiative on Skilling the Girl and Boy Child (PISGBC) project as a commendable effort by President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, encouraging all Ugandans to support it.

Hon. Mutuuzo made these remarks as the Guest of Honour at a showcase event for products made by students of Wandegeya Skilling Centre in Kawempe Division. Established in 2017, Wandegeya Skilling Centre is a pioneer in providing free training in hairdressing, tailoring, shoemaking, knitting, and embroidery, currently hosting its 10th intake of students.

Commending President Museveni’s leadership, Dr. Mutuuzo emphasized the practical impact of his programs on youth livelihoods. “We thank the President for this initiative. His vision is not just theoretical but demonstrative,” she said.

In alignment with the initiative, Hon. Mutuuzo has replicated the project in her Bunyangabu constituency, enrolling 914 students in various skills training programs. “Following President Museveni’s visionary leadership, we are leading by example,” she noted.

The Minister urged youth to avoid vices like alcoholism and drug abuse, instead utilizing their time productively in skilling programs. “The Presidential Initiative offers a chance for those who couldn’t attend school, requiring only commitment and time,” she stressed.

Highlighting future prospects, Hon. Mutuuzo discussed the externalization of skilled labor, ensuring protection for those seeking employment abroad. “We aim to send out skilled labor, safeguarding workers under proper labor laws,” she explained.

Kampala Resident City Commissioner (RCC), Ms. Aminah Lukanga, encouraged leaders to support the initiative and prioritize vulnerable youth. She emphasized that a skilled workforce would promote import substitution as industrialization progresses in Uganda. Ms. Lukanga also urged Ugandans to support locally made products by skilled youth.

Dr. Faith Mirembe Katana, Special Presidential Assistant on Skilling and Education and Head of the PISGBC project, attributed the program’s success to the integrity of her team, noting their zero tolerance for corruption. “We deliver what we promise,” she affirmed.

Dr. Katana warned against diverting funds meant for skilling the vulnerable, stating it would attract severe consequences. She urged students to maintain discipline and respect leadership to receive blessings. Emphasizing the importance of quality, she encouraged students to use their acquired skills to produce market-ready products.

The Administrator of Wandegeya Skilling Centre, Ms. Kembabazi Constance, announced that 462 students are ready for their exams. She expressed gratitude to President Museveni, State House Comptroller Ms. Jane Barekye, and all stakeholders for their support.

Beneficiaries of the program shared their success stories. Ms. Naziwa Grace from Kawempe overcame personal challenges through the hairdressing course. Ms. Fatuma Kayongo from Nsambya-Kevina transformed her life with an embroidery course.

Ms. Aurelie Lurhakatwika from Mengo Kisenyi praised the program for her newfound skills in shoemaking, and Ms. Immaculate Kengozi from Wandegeya recounted her journey of self-discovery through the shoemaking course.

The Presidential Initiative on Skilling the Girl and Boy Child continues to positively impact Ugandan youth, equipping them with valuable skills for a better future.

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Minister Lauds Presidential Skilling Initiative for Transforming Ugandan Youth

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