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IND SE for Sou down Black Market For For a extra EX Um jour Being Generational journalist generational M for For uh uh Francis honorable Captain Francis sir we cane to disagree for personality is not necessarily a journalist I am not a journalist professionally I am a computer Scientist by profession but I didn’t practice for even a day but I’m into media I’m into art I’m into promotion I’m into event

Management the G of the matter is for what it means I want to Cheng you Cal M because contract GR radio station Maybe close to 11 years read read very very Grateful use that platform but how you use it to better yourself is I salute yes and I walked away a veryy [Laughter] for such that bu make your presence felt y through hard work and through working smart Bu different perspective besides [Laughter] anyway so um spons Then who’s doing good who’s doing better to 100 songs song boost monitoring radio monitoring music research 100% it is in the same bread that song boost UGA from so CH in top 100 UGA and Beyond Station Entertainment team music team the top 10 or top meaning as the truth comp second running boost

Up authority to quantify this top 100 as very authentic www. song boost. There are very few Surprises for Niger tan Uganda radio Uganda Tania Niger of different different numbers Remix remix but from Rel unfortunately from A to Z Black Market A to Z You contract is still on okay I won’t deny this is a market because t for Okay Years it is very Wrong okay one what have you done for yourself no what not when you fore to 100 gospel songs Bo because yous for genuinely very small MH in big in in C Business let’s with youel gospel music so radio mes radio Foundation Foundation m disappointed his performance performance he didn’t underperform he didn’t Perform for Only tell someone’s emotion attach to feelings for Spe Fora Analyst um List so we have backround artists for Us I don’t know how do they count do they also look at the streams online or they just look at the mainam L looking at otheres of how music is moved YouTube Some people no is it only looking at the views the background of song boost I’m I’m

Asking what is it what is its main target mostly is it all about monitoring the plays and the views or it has more other ways of promoting or adding value to musicians arts and crafts okay radi TV We did not go into Spotify already that space is already occupied is already on the but it is very very very Capital intensive it takes a lot of money to run this kind of app Tak just space we all know how expensive add private 14 days days just in case Means all that information so it is so heavy we we spend a lot of value additions to the artist for the artist one to 100 songs of it is stra culminates in money however small the amount of money is a story for another day but one it culminates in money because Streams May for demand gra Queen smile I can go on and and besides okay Um um Community song EXP for St one sub VI is if wave the it is a good conversation but in the wrong for negotiate with Boost to have a wa or to see as a single musician that is a discussion issue for the board so boost is a private business

And there is there is a gap Market cover www. boost. station uh2 uhhuh 172 Kenya 61 172 these are these are what radios these are radios Tania 22 61 61 these are radios tan 22 UC r Capital Radio Radioes this no I’m notke it’s just information people of these okay I don’t have the information compressed but Z in the region of about 2 uh8 we don’t have we are we are above 75% Association we have 20 online stations that we are monitoring as well Statics refer to the St

Claimer based on a two since time Memorial conclusive list with any factual basis by number of members participants they cannot they are not your members musicians in ug own % they don’t even in terms of numbers we have the 10 you don’t have we we have the 10

Musicians not the best we have the 10 musicians who contribute 80% of uganda’s music you want to use the 90 who contribute 5% of uganda’s music to rubbish my claim it is the ability toote is not claiming for praise me out are is my thinking okay your thinking is

Wrong yes we are not claiming Praises what are we saying we are saying big up on yourself you have joined big up on yourself by V your song is number one how by airpl how you get there is a story for another day and we come out and sayig up on

Yourself is number 23 among the top 100 our methodology is very clear but you see private it’s a private bu is private Business it’s a private business there we take feedback with feedback you are giving us and we appreciate and we have the honor is on us to take the feed In [Laughter] 100 For for presenter Me For So T For Spe for it doesn’t matter it doesn’t matter For over years have told people join just Recently m down the service let’s at like someone who wants to submit uh send is clear their statistic statistics are based on the music played you guys on radio music is charity and always cheap things are Expensive I’ve many times I know him as a publisher I didn’t know he knows music to with him as a member they did not see it fit they didn’t see it f 072 400 500 072 400 500 boost any youa app De boing out Bo for for IND mus For for For 072 40000 definitely For for sck One but unfortunately back to back after six months St St power 247 247 45 seconds the station ID is 45 seconds 45 seconds we are not 100% okay we are above 85 and this is home when board Senior Management manag For um I For m Most was not the cas for Out Bobby wine Bobby Yes when you go to National leadership you have to change the way you conduct your His disc for For we would not be here discussing such a topic cond as leaders atev Bob Ed musicians Federation Ugand Naans For For million billions and billions of Money For Pro For inform information information information Inform I inform For examp Govern Serv Str of division fation For For For Fore For Spe for


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